Women's Lacrosse

Freshmen Features: Part I

STANFORD, Calif. - Freshmen from the Stanford women's lacrosse team answer some frequently asked questions and give some insight into what it's like to be a freshman at Stanford. Our first question: 
 At what moment did you know you wanted to go to Stanford?
Trudie Grattan (Richmond, Va.)
I knew I wanted to come to Stanford the day Stanford Lacrosse camp ended -- during the summer after my sophomore year of high school. 

Galen Lew (Glen Ridge, N.J.)
On my first unofficial visit – the Spring of my freshman year. It was the first campus I ever toured and visited. As soon as I met the coaching staff and the team, I knew I wanted to come here.

Gabby Noto (Atherton, Calif.)
It took me a little while to decide, but at the end of the day when comparing Stanford to any other school you are looking at, there isn't one thing Stanford lacks. It is the full package. Smart kids, good teachers, the best athletics, unreal facilities, and even awesome weather :)

Marianna Salvatori (Baltimore, Md.)
I knew I wanted to go to Stanford once I met the amazing people on the lacrosse team. I decided in that moment that I wanted to be a part of this special group of student-athletes and this special group of women.

Taylor Scornavacco (San Diego, Calif.)
I knew I've wanted to go here since I was a little kid watching my older brother come to golf camp. Stanford is such an incredible place to be, especially if you are an athlete because they truly care about you and your success. Stanford has always been a dream for me and I am so incredibly blessed to be here and to be supported back home by my family. None of this would be possible without them.

Chelsea Trattner (Ridgewood, N.J.)
The second I stepped foot on campus, I was sold! Stanford is an extremely special place. The academic and athletic excellence here is contagious, and I knew I wanted to be part of a university that would allow me to grow intellectually and as a lacrosse player. The Stanford lacrosse team has a reputation of being a fierce competitor nationally, and I felt connected to the beliefs of the coaching staff here. Also, to be among some of the best athletes, and simply most remarkable students in the country, is a humbling experience.

Rachel Cowan (Cherry Hills Village, Colo.)
I've known that I wanted to go to Stanford since the day I was born. It has always been a dream of mine to attend such an amazing school. No other school can compare with Stanford. It is the most well-balanced place with such a wider variety of opportunities and so many incredible people. The high quality of academics and athletics can't be found elsewhere. 

Future Freshmen Features:
» What has surprised you the most about your first few months on campus? 
» What were you most nervous about starting your freshman year and how has that changed?
» What is your favorite class so far and why?
» Describe what the team dynamic is like.
» What is your favorite part about California?
» What advice would you give to future Cardinal laxers?  
