Women's Volleyball

Get to Know Malia Tufuga

What's your favorite way to spend a day off?Hanging out with teammates watching movies and listening to music.

What surprised you the most about being a student-athlete at Stanford?The overwhelming amount of support from both the Stanford Athletics audience, other fellow student-athletes, and the faculty/staff.

Do you have any pet peeves?The little tears you get in your cuticles.

If you weren't playing volleyball at Stanford, what sport would you want to play? Golf - I've been golfing since I was six years old and it's one of my favorite sports.

Do you have any prematch rituals? If so, what are they?Listening to music and breathing exercises.

Outside of volleyball, what's something you're passionate about and why?Music - I play a couple of instruments and they allow me to express and explore my own imagination and creativity. 

Why did you choose to attend Stanford?

I was attracted to its values of diversity and family, and the rigorous level of both academics and athletics.