Leader in the CommunityLeader in the Community

Leader in the Community

NORTHBROOK, Ill. – Fifth-year cornerback Treyjohn Butler was named to the 2020 Allstate AFCA Good Works Team® on Wednesday, announced by Allstate and the American Football Coaches Association (AFCA). A total of 22 student-athletes and an honorary coach, West Virginia's Neal Brown, were selected to the team after a total of 149 were nominated.
Butler is one of two Pac-12 players selected, joined by Elijah Hicks of California. The Cardinal has now had a player named to the AllState AFCA Good Works Team in three of the last four seasons, with Butler joining Connor Wedington (2019) and Harrison Phillips (2017).
"With so many unexpected challenges this year, it's inspiring to see this group of talented athletes use their voices and actions to make a difference in their communities," said Pam Hollander, vice president of consumer marketing for Allstate. "Allstate believes that celebrating positive change creates vibrant and resilient communities, and recognizing acts of kindness these players demonstrate is a vital part of our protection of college football and its traditions."
Realizing the need for support in our current climate, Butler has made an impact within his community by providing food to families through his church that have been hit hardest by the COVID-19 pandemic. Making a difference within the Stanford and surrounding Bay Area communities, Butler is part of visits to the Stanford Children's Hospital and school visits for Read Across America in East Palo Alto. He also works with the football program's Set The Expectation pledge and with Team IMPACT, where Stanford co-sponsors Cole Baker who was diagnosed with cancer.
A leader on campus, Butler has served as the house Academic Theme Associate (ATA) at Ujamaa House, which focuses on the histories, issues and cultures of the Black Diaspora. Part of his role requires him to oversee academic seminars put on in the on-campus house.
Furthering his leadership and activism within the community recently, Butler has been part of peaceful community protests in Southern California in the aftermath of the tragic deaths of George Floyd and many others. He has also served as an ambassador and voice for fellow students and student-athletes as it relates to social justice and the safe resumption of academic and athletic endeavors across the country.
A two-time Pac-12 All-Academic honorable mention selection, Butler was Stanford's Wuerffel Trophy nominee in 2019 and garnered The Chris Draft Commitment to Community Outreach Award at Stanford in 2019.
"I'm excited to team up with Allstate and AFCA to recognize the powerful stories of these players and the incredible work they are doing," said Tim Tebow, two-time national champion and former Allstate AFCA Good Works Team member. "It's truly an honor to call myself an alumnus of the Allstate AFCA Good Works Team and continue to highlight the amazing work these student-athletes do off-the-field."
Fans are invited to visit ESPN.com/Allstate to vote for the 2020 Allstate AFCA Good Works Team captain once per day, now through Nov. 22. Throughout the season, fans can join the conversation using #GoodWorksTeam on their social media channels to learn more about these players and their stories.
The Allstate AFCA Good Works Team was selected by a voting panel that includes Tebow and an Allstate representative, along with: Matt Stinchcomb (Georgia, 1997, 1998 teams); Brian Brenberg (St. Thomas, 2001 team); Mike Proman (Amherst, 2002 team); Wes Counts (Middle Tennessee State, 1999 team); media members Blair Kerkhoff (Kansas City Star) and Paul Myerberg (USA Today); Gary Patterson (2020 AFCA president and Texas Christian University head coach); and Joe Taylor (2001 AFCA president and athletic director at Virginia Union University).
"This year has brought new meaning and purpose to the Allstate AFCA Good Works Team, and this group of 22 players has risen to these challenges to give back to their communities in tremendous ways," AFCA Executive Director Todd Berry said. "I am very proud of everything this honor represents for student-athletes and coaches and look forward to showcasing their incredible stories throughout the season."
The Allstate AFCA Good Works Team was established in 1992 by the College Football Association to recognize extra efforts by players and student support staff off the field. AFCA became the governing body of the award in 1997 and continues to honor players who go the extra mile for those in need. Allstate became the presenting sponsor starting with the 2008 season.