Scott Dragicevich's Chat Wrap

Scott Dragicevich's Chat Wrap

April 26, 2001

stanford.gifScottDragicevich at 3:19pm ET
Hi I am here. I will start with the questions.

Mike Bugaj Jr. from kscable.com at 3:20pm ET
How much does summer baseball help you for the next season? And if you play, than where or who do you play for?stanford.gifScottDragicevich at 3:21pm ET
Summer baseball is a very important part of getting ready for the college year. It allows you to see some good pitching and just get ready. This next year, I will be playing in the Cape Cod league.Nate Liberman from wuh.wustl.edu at 3:22pm ET
How's it going buddy. It is great to see you doing so well this year. All your hard work is starting to pay off. You and JD are making Westlake High and all your former teammates proud. Well good luck this weekend against Cal and tell Jeff I said HI.stanford.gifScottDragicevich at 3:22pm ET
Hey Nate! Thanks. Yes I am very happy for Jeff and how well he is doing. This weekend Cal and Stanford face off and I can't wait.ChuckD from gtecablemodem.com at 3:23pm ET
What advice would you give to father, whose son has aspirations of playing college/professional baseball?stanford.gifScottDragicevich at 3:24pm ET
I think the most important role the family can play is unconditional support. For a dad just to be there and help the kid learn is awesome.Tim McGuire from datanet.nyu.edu at 3:24pm ET
I really love watching Stanford play ball, not just because you're all great athletes but because you do the job on the diamond and in the classroom. I'm at a competitive national university myself and it amazes me how you juggle such a busy baseball schedule with the stress of taking classes at a top-level school. How difficult is it to keep your grades up while you're on the road?stanford.gifScottDragicevich at 3:25pm ET
School is tough to balance, but not impossible. What ends up happening is a lot of social activities have to be cut out. In my opinion, it is all worth it though.Juliemimus from [], at 3:26pm ET
Hi Dotty! what's up? How are you doing? So, here's a question for you: Que vas a hacer el fin de semana? Voy a ver tu y Jeffe esta fin de semana! Hasta sabado!stanford.gifScottDragicevich at 3:26pm ET
Hey Juls! I think I am going to play some baseball. See you soon!Mike from asera.com at 3:27pm ET
Congratulations on your year. Was it always a dream of yours to be able to look into the other team's dugout and see your brother? Is there a little rivalry going on between the two of you since you 1. play against each other in the same league and 2. go to rival schools?stanford.gifScottDragicevich at 3:29pm ET
It is a dream come true to have Jeff in the opposing dugout. I think of how blessed we both are to be able to play baseball in college. As far as the rivalry thing goes, Jeff is my best bud, so I don't feel those feelings.John from lennarwest.com at 3:29pm ET
Is there special training you do to perfect your fielding skills? How is 2nd base different from shortstop, different from 3rd base?stanford.gifScottDragicevich at 3:30pm ET
My favorite infield drill is what we call "live infield". Hitters take BP, but try to hit the ball on the ground so the infielders can make the plays.Eric Altman from stanford.edu at 3:31pm ET
SCOTTY!! The teams looking great this year. I won't say that some of us here on the farm were a bit surprised. How has the pitchign of Guthrie and the oter young guns affected the teams confidence level as the season has gone on? I'll see you soon, -Estanford.gifScottDragicevich at 3:32pm ET
Hey Eric. Yes, the pitching has been outstanding so far this year and a huge part of our sucess. If we can keep it up, I think we have a good chance to make a run in the post season.miguel from cbc.cc.tx.us at 3:33pm ET
i was wondering what your daily routine is at a stanford practice?stanford.gifScottDragicevich at 3:34pm ET
Everyday at practice we spend about an hour hitting and an hour on defense. The remainder of the time we work on specialty stuff like pick offs or base running. Defense is stressed the most during practice.Ray Bergstrom (POP) from proxy.aol.com at 3:35pm ET
Hi Scott: This is exciting to find out how respected you are and how well you are performing in your baseball career. Congratulations! We hope to see you this week-end.stanford.gifScottDragicevich at 3:35pm ET
Well hey Pop. Thanks for sending a note. Hope to see you this weekend.William Tresner from pld.com at 3:36pm ET
Where did you play high school ball, and where in the summer during high school?stanford.gifScottDragicevich at 3:37pm ET
I played HS at Westalke High in Thousand Oaks, CA.. During the summer I played out at Blair Field in Long Beach.miguel from cbc.cc.tx.us at 3:37pm ET
how long is a practice and do you do anything else on your own? like run or lift weights or do you guys do that together?Shirley from [], at 3:38pm ET
Hi Scott, Congratulations on a great year. Stanford's defense is on a record pace in the Pac 10 this year. To what do you contribute the success?stanford.gifScottDragicevich at 3:41pm ET
As far as extra pratice, I think working out extra is a huge part to staying strong at the end of the year.
Hey Mom!! Yes the defense so far has been outstanding. I think that we really focus on defense in practice and it helps us stay consistent in the games. Chris at second and Andy at third and Arik at first makes a great infield to play with. Thanks. Love ya.Alan from dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net at 3:41pm ET
Hey Scott - What's your take on the wood vs. alumn. issue? Would you like to see the college level go to wood bats?stanford.gifScottDragicevich at 3:43pm ET
alumn. bats allow for a greater margin of error, so hitting is easier. However, I think the bats make the game exciting at the college level.Little Jake from [] at 3:44pm ET
What's it like living with a Catdaddy, a Weasel, a Dickerman, and a Crazy Mexican? Also, are you parents going to be wearing Cardinal or Blue and Gold this weekend?stanford.gifScottDragicevich at 3:45pm ET
Hey Jake. I think my parents will be wearing a little of both and sitting right in the middle!robert from resnet.buffalo.edu at 3:45pm ET
Do you think that there is a big advantage in baseball for the warm weather schools because they can practice and play more often than those teams where the weather does not always cooperate?stanford.gifScottDragicevich at 3:46pm ET
Being able to play year round is very important in my opinion. Granted I am from CA so I can't imagine having to play in the rain and snow!Nick from dorm.duke.edu at 3:46pm ET
Nomar or Jeter or A-Rod?stanford.gifScottDragicevich at 3:46pm ET
A-RodJohn from lennarwest.com at 3:47pm ET
How do you get mentally ready to go to each at bat? Does it change through the course of a game?stanford.gifScottDragicevich at 3:48pm ET
The mental side of the game is definitely overlooked by many. I think that having a clear mind and not worring about the last AB or the next AB is the most important thing you can do to get ready to hit.Ed Bergstrom from [], at 3:49pm ET
Hi Scott,

Congratulations on your great season! Aunt Gipsy, Ray, Adele, and I have been following both Cardinal and the Bears very closely and are extremely proud of you and Jeff.

You have a huge series coming up this weekend against Cal. How does it feel to be playing against Jeff, your brother, who is having a great season for Cal as well?

And, out of all of the pitchers you have faced this season, particularly in the Pac-10, who has been the toughest and why?

We all will be pulling for both you and Jeff to have a great series this weekend. Best of luck from Uncle Edstanford.gifScottDragicevich at 3:51pm ET
Hey Uncle Ed. I think the pitchers from USC were the toughest this year. Prior was really keeping us off balance and his fastball is the best I have seen. I hope we can see them again in the playoffs.Baseball Fan from wharton.upenn.edu at 3:52pm ET
Do you still see Nez Ballelo for your baseball training in the offseason? If so, what is your routine?stanford.gifScottDragicevich at 3:52pm ET
Oh yeah. Nez and I work out back home. His knowledge about the game helps me get better everytime we work out.Andrew Bradley from [] at 3:54pm ET
What do you think the chances are of the cardinal winning the national title and how have freshman like Sam Fuld and Carlos Quentin helped the team this year?stanford.gifScottDragicevich at 3:55pm ET
Getting throught the playoffs is always so tough. It is important to play the best ball at the end of the year. Sam and Lo are huge to our team. They have come in and just playing outstanding.Brian from [] at 3:56pm ET
Do you believe in Kids leaving school early to go play professional in any sport?stanford.gifScottDragicevich at 3:57pm ET
It depends on the individual kid. For some, baseball (or other sports) is what makes them most happy. However, giving up an education is a huge decision.Mikey from z064220188.sjc-ca.dsl.cnc.net at 3:58pm ET
I know you and your brother both play for rival schools... What are Thanksgivings like at your house?stanford.gifScottDragicevich at 3:59pm ET
During the game, winning the first priority. Off the field though, Jeff and I go back to buddiesstanford.gifScottDragicevich at 3:59pm ET
Thank you everyone for the questions. Sorry I couldn't get to them all. It was a lot of fun.