
Press Conference Quotes: Stanford 51, Arizona State 28

Sept. 22, 2001

Recap|Box Score|Notes|Photo Gallery

Stanford Head Coach Tyrone Willingham
On the performance of the Cardinal offense:
"I am please with the overall play of our offense tonight, but some parts were not as clean as we would like them to be. There were certain points in the ballgame that our offense was right on track and put together back-to-back scores, and that was wonderful."

On scoring 51 points against Arizona State: "I think any time you score over 50 points, it is unusual. We do have some young men that have the ability to make big plays, and if given the right opportunity big things can happen."

On Randy Fasani throwing four touchdowns and having a career night: "Randy continues to get better and better and we are really excited about that and what he did tonight. We hope he continues."

On Luke Powell: "He was exciting, that is all you can say. He made some big plays in the open field and he just had an exciting evening."

On the team's progression: "This week was difficult because se had an extra week off between week one and week two of the season. I think we felt like we opened the season again tonight. It is good to get a win and that was the most exciting thing."

On ASU's explosive attack: "We knew coming in that they did have potential to be explosive. We were able to limit them at times, but no question they are explosive."

Stanford quarterback Randy Fasani
On having many receivers to throw to:
"I have said since the preseason that we were going to have four or five guys catch 30 balls this year, and I still believe that. It is nice to be able to throw the ball around and have different guys making plays."

On scoring 51 points: "It says a lot, we are doing really well. We had 51 in the third quarter, so we should have had more than that. We have to do better every time we step onto the field."

On the running game: "Brian Allen is a speedster. When he gets to the outside, which happened a lot tonight, he is going to get around the corner. Kerry Carter has that ability as well. Tonight we established the run and then the passing game opened up as well."

Stanford running back Brian Allen
On rushing for 100+ yards:
"It feels real good. That is what we want to do. Our goal is to have both Kerry and I over 100 yards. I give all the credit to our offensive line and our entire offensive game plan. Arizona State is a very good team and they have a lot of good players, so it was just credit to us calling the right calls and blocking well."

On having Kerry to help pick up some extra yardage: "We both learn and feed off of each other. Tonight I had more yards, but I know that next week that is what he is going to try to try to do. It is good, competition is what we wanted and it helps so win. We are just going to keep on going and we are looking forward to the next game against USC."

Arizona State head coach Dirk Koetter
On his team's overall performance:
"We simply got beat in all three phases of the game tonight by a better football team. Stanford deserved to win this game and they proved they were the better team. We're at the point where we can't expect to make mistakes and still pull out the game. It's not fun being on the end of one of these games."

On the defensive breakdown: "The problem tonight was we just didn't get out an tackle. We can't say anything about the fact that we were out on the field for too long, because if we make tackles then it doesn't matter. We dropped passes, missed tackles and essentially had breakdowns in all areas of the game. Stanford is a very solid football team and it was tough enough having to exchange scores, we just fell behind. We didn't finish our drives, and you can't give away touchdowns on offense and expect to rebound the way their defense began playing near the end."

Talking about Stanford's gameplan: "Stanford made more plays and I think we showed our youth and they had us back on our heels. If we thought that we were going to be able to get through this game unscathed, we had better think again. Tonight we learned our lesson and we'll bounce back."

On the penalty before the end of the first half: "We were trying to block the punt. You have to play to win and sometimes you make the play and sometimes you don't. The key is you need to be aggressive because once you let up, things can change in a hurry."

Arizona State linebacker Eric Fields
Talking about the Sun Devil's performance:
"You have to give credit to Stanford. They brought their "A-game" tonight and outplayed us in every aspect of the game. It's frustrating because I really think we did some good things, but then we just let it slip away."

Arizona State defensive end Terrell Suggs
On how the Arizona State defense faltered:
"They came to play and it's as simple as that. Defense is definitely going to take the wrap for this one. If you look at the big plays, we just never wrapped them up and tackled. Defense is defense and it doesn't matter how long you're on the field. 28 points is more than enough to get a road win, and our defense just didn't play up to its capability. We take the blame for this one."