
Post-Game Quotes

Recap|Final Stats|Notes|Photo Gallery


On Today's Game
"Early on, we were forcing turnovers and playing well offensively. If we had scored some more points by the half, we would have been in better shape emotionally. Also, Cal was not in a scramble mindset starting the second half, and they're strong offensively, so they were at an advantage."

On Stanford's Main Frustration
"We had opportunities to score and push plays through. However, we didn't take advantage of those situations."

On Stanford's Next Game
"We're going to watch the tapes from this game and go forward. We're looking to the Notre Dame game next, and we're going to keep working."

On ChrisLewis And The Team
"Chris is a competitor, and he was trying to do the best he could. All of our guys played hard. It's a shame that we didn't take advantage of our chances to put points on the board."

On Today's Game
"Cal was really strong offensively in the second half. It hurts that we lost, but we're going to keep our chin up and keep going. We needed to capitalize on the breaks we were getting in the first half. We knew Cal was strong enough to come back after halftime, but we didn't put enough points on the board during the first half."


On Going To A Bowl Game
"I'm so proud of these guys. They've sacrificed and put in so much hard work. It couldn't happen to a better bunch of guys. Their backs were against the wall. We had to win six of our last nine games and the last two to get to a bowl game. After the first half, when everything kept going against us, we came out in the second half and played like we are capable of. I'm just very proud of these guys."

On Being Down 10 Points At Halftime
"There was a lot of game left. After halftime, we calmed down and went out and executed like we're capable of. We just thought that what happened in the first half couldn't happen to us in the second half. The guys did a much better job of catching the ball and protecting the passer."

On The Play Of Wide Receiver Geoff McArthur
"Geoff McArthur had a tremendous day. He made some big catches for us today and the throws that Aaron (Rodgers) was putting in there were amazing. Even when Geoff was covered, Aaron was putting the ball right on the money. It was just tremendous concentration on Geoff's part."

On Connecting With Wide Receiver Geoff McArthur
"When I heard that he had 16 catches I was a little surprised. They couldn't really stop him. We weren't running that many different routes. Geoff is amazing. He really is a great receiver."

On The Team's Reaction To Being Down 10 Points At Halftime
"I think that we were a little bit shell-shocked. We're not used to turning the ball over four or five times in the first half. The fumbles were uncharacteristic so we knew that things would start going our way. Our defense was playing great. They really gave the offense a lot of inspiration and in the second half the offensive line gave me a lot of time."

On Breaking The School Record For Receptions In A Single Game
"I wasn't really thinking about the record. I was thinking more about the game. That's what matters to me the most. I think that the program (Cal Football) is just going to skyrocket right now. The offensive line played great and Aaron (Rodgers) was throwing some awesome balls. It was just a great team effort today."

On The Hype Of The Big Game
"Before the game I was a little flat. I didn't want to let the Big Game hype get to me. I think that it worked against me because I was a little flat in the first half. In the second half I put some pressure on myself to make some plays. When my number was called I was able to come up with some plays that were huge for us."