Men's Water Polo

NCAA Water Polo Semifinals No. 2 - Quotes

Dec. 6, 2003


Avery Stadium - Stanford, California

Opening Statement
"I think Stanford played a great game. I think that is the most goals we have given up all year. And our game plan was to let some of their other players shoot and those players had good games. I though offensively we had a hard time getting into a groove. If we had had some early goals I think we could have changed momentum a little bit. Andre, our two meter player had a bar out and he had a nice turn at two meters that he missed that normally he scores. We had a two goal turn around on that where we missed a goal and they down and scored on a counter. Stanford played a great game at home. Two time national defending champion. We came in and wanted to take Acevedo out of the game. When he scored those two quick goals that put a little bit of a change in our game plan."

On Tomorrow's Game
If Stanford plays like that. I thought SC looked tight in their game. I think Stanford looked totally confident. They were running their offense. They were shooting with confidence. And our goalie has been our MVP most of the season. Today he let in some shots that usually he saves. Our strategy today was to give up some of those shots and I think that was kind of a turnaround there. We had some good offensive moments. We struggled with our 6-on-5 a little bit but then we figured it out and scored 3 goals. Our guys played tough. I think we were a little tight. Being in their pool really effected us."

On Acevedo as a player"He's a great player. The one objective was to try and keep the ball away from him as much as possible. The first two goals he had we weren't really pressing up on him. He's a great player and good luck to him tomorrow."

Opening Statement
"I'm real proud of the guys. I thought we came out and played well. We had a lot of guys scoring and I give LMU a lot of credit. They had a great game themselves.

On Playing USC Tomorrow
"Play great defense. It starts with our defense. That's going to be our number 1 priority."

On Facing A Team They Are 0-3 Against
"I think it's tougher on them because you never want to lose to a team you have beaten. But as far as I'm concerned the first couple of time we played them the team was getting back to playing with each other. It was the first couple of weeks of the season. This is what we play for.

On The Tone Of Tonight's Game
"We knew LMU was going to come out hard. We have had trouble in the past, especially myself and my team. We have had trouble in the first games. You look forward to the final game and you don't pay as much attention to the first game. I though that in order to really set the tone for our team it was important that we come out as hard as we could. It was great that I was able to put those first goals away. I really felt it was our whole team going at 100% and that really set the tone right there.

On LMU's Play Tonight Versus Earlier This Season
"I think they played better tonight than they did earlier in the season, but us playing at home and trying to fuel ourselves for the championship game we really came out on fire. We didn't have that same intensity earlier in the season.