
Postgame Quotes

Sept. 6, 2003

Recap|Final Stats|Notes|Photo Gallery

Stanford Quotes

Head Coach Buddy Teevens

"We worked hard tonight, but we have a lot of work still to do. I am excited to have an opening season win, although we know that we have a long ways to go and can only improve."

On the Offense

"Trent Edwards got out there and made a couple of throws and you could tell that he felt comfortable. Our offensive line did a good job. We have a lot of young guys out there on offense. But we made good throws and good catches all around. We will watch the game tapes to see, but I know that we have a lot of guys who can all play which makes our situation stronger. The competition helps keep everyone on edge."

"We have a lot of guys out there who can make the yards. That allows us to spread things around with athletes who can catch and run the ball."

"I was pleased with the work of our offensive line, but they still have room to progress. Right out of the shoots, though, they look sound and protected the ball."

Quarterback Trent Edwards

"It was just an awesome feeling going out there tonight. I've had this date on my calendar all summer. All of our work in the off season came down to this game and I think it all really paid off. The team is in great shape and it really showed."

"Tonight I was just focused on staying consistent, not making any mistakes and making the big throws."

"I have always said that Luke Powell is a guy who will always get open no matter what. He is a great athlete and he makes my job a lot easier."

Receiver Luke Powell

"I don't think that I have ever had that many catches in a game. We were fired up tonight and really played well with the system which helped us make the big catches for first downs."

Running Back J.R. Lemon

"Everything and everyone worked well together tonight. We have been practicing for so long that tonight is was finally a matter of actually getting the job done. It was exhilarating to be out there on the field in the eyes of the fans. I had a great time."

"I really think that a good running game will be detrimental to any opponent's defense. It puts holes in their line, leaving things wide open for the game on the run."

San Jose State Quotes

San Jose State Head Coach Fitz Hill

"I will take full responsibility for this loss. I apologize to the San Jose State alumni, fans and students. We made some major mistakes in the second half and they will be corrected."

"We had a touchdown pass dropped and an interception dropped on defense that could have set the tempo."

"There wasn't a whole lot of good things out there. We just got beat up. They outcompeted us, and that's what I'm frustrated about."

San Jose State quarterback Scott Rislov

"Stanford did a great job tonight, especially getting to the quarterback. I'm pretty beat up."

"I thought on offense we moved the ball pretty well (in the first half). We were not surprised we moved the ball that well, but everything just collapsed in the second half. Once again, Stanford did a heck of a job on defense."