Women's Tennis

NCAA Semifinals Post-Match Quotes

May 21, 2005

Recap | Notes

Stanford Head Coach Lele Forood
"Clemson was a team that we weren't too familiar with coming in. I don't think that the doubles was an accurate representation of what their team is about. We found that out really quickly once singles started. We were happy to get the point and start singles."

"They were very very tough especially in the stadium positions. It was a great effort. Whitney (Deason) was playing some really gigantic games. She did a great job to clinch it for us. She's had some huge matches for us this year. It's just been great so far."

"Our depth is one of our major strengths. If you look back on our championship teams, Nos. 4-6 have been instrumental in clinching matches for us. It's been a trademark of our team. It's really big to have girls who are good know they are going to play lower in the lineup at least for the first few years as opposed to going somewhere they might be a higher player."

Stanford's Whitney Deason
"We have so many great players on this team all the way through the lineup. We know we can count on everyone to go out there and fight. It makes it easier on us when we know that we already have two singles matches in the bag and up top (singles 1-3) everyone is still fighting on the court."

"Either team we play tomorrow is going to be a tough match. I'm new but the other girls on the team know what it's about. Tomorrow we just have to go out there and want it more, and I think we do. It's definitely exciting. Everybody on the team welcomes that challenge."

Clemson Head Coach Nancy Harris
"This has been a very talented group. We've had a tough schedule all year to prepare us for this. I hope that next year the team says, `Last year they made it to the semifinals so we have to do just as well or better.'"

"We have a group of fighters, and that's what make me proud. Stanford has that too. They are a bunch of fighters, and I feel like our styles mirrored each other. Stanford has a great group of fighters too and a great team."

Clemson's Julie Coin
"During the match I wasn't thinking about the singles tournament. I wasn't thinking about last year either. I was just thinking about the team and trying to get a point to help win the match."

Clemson's Daniela Alvarez
"The doubles wasn't accurate. We had a lot of chances to close out games against them but just weren't able to take advantage of those opportunities."