Women's Tennis

NCAA Singles/Doubles Championship Quotes - Day 1

May 26, 2005

Recap | Notes

No. 8 Suzi Babos, California (on playing Theresa Logar in the second round)
"She is the only player from that Stanford team that I haven't played this year. I think that I will have an advantage just because she may be tired from having to play so many matches as she did for the team tournament. I should be rested only having to play one time but I also have some experience on these courts."

No. 9-16 Shadisha Robinson, Georgia
"I've been struggling all year. I'm starting to get out of my slump, but (Anne Yelsey, Stanford) played pretty good. I gave her so many opportunities to beat me. It is frustrating because I was hoping to do better than the first round. Most of the shots I'm used to seeing as winners she returned. I know it wasn't as good as I can play.

"I want to have a good attitude for doubles and do well in that. (Caroline Basu) is definitely a good influence on me."

Anne Yelsey, Stanford (upset No. 9-16 Robinson)
"The team and I had been playing well all week so I came in with a lot of confidence. Shadisha [Robinson] is a tough player so I knew it was going to be a tough match all the way. I think she made a few unforced errors in the start so I played more conservative in the second set and it hurt me a little."

"Now that we took the team title, it's a lot easier. It's like all the pressure is off us because the team title was our only goal. So now any individual awards are just an added bonus."

No. 7 Amber Liu, Stanford
"My shoulder was bothering me the past few days, but I took it as just a nagging injury and thought I could look past it. Today after about a hour and a half I couldn't raise my hand above my shoulder."

"Devastating is really the only way I can describe it, especially with the goals I had coming in. Right now I'm just keeping it iced and see what happens for doubles."

Aniela Mojzis, North Carolina (upset No. 7 Liu)
"It feels great to have beaten the defending champion. She and I know each other from juniors so I knew coming in it would be a tough match."

"Even though she left injured I felt like before she started feeling bad I was still winning most of the points. I felt like the second set and even most of the first I was winning points instead of her giving them away. I feel like this was a tough first round draw for both of us."

"I never look at the draw ahead of time. I just try and build confidence off of each match and take it game by game. Hopefully in the next round I will come out firing."

"I think that playing in the team competition has helped out our singles players. I am just now beginning to feel good, which is too bad since I am a senior."

No. 5 Jennifer Magley, Florida
"(Whitney Deason, Stanford) made more errors in those last six games and I hit my serve better. When I get down I turn to my faith. My body was weak and I was mentally immature but my belief helped me get through it. "

"When I got down so big I just wanted to keep fighting and never give up. Honestly I was just trying to win a couple of games."