

Oct. 13, 2007

Recap | Final Stats | Notes | Photo Gallery 


HEAD COACH Jim Harbaugh
Opening Statement

"We just didn't execute the way we needed to today. They made more plays than we did today, and they are a very good football team. They came out with a lot of different personnel groups, and they did a lot of things well today. I think there were a lot of opportunities for us to win this football game, which is disheartening, but I am very proud of the way our team played and I am very proud of the effort today. We did a lot of things well today, and it was just a very good football game today."

On Stanford's Challenge Of A Call On Its Last Drive
"We wanted to stop and regroup and felt there was a chance that we threw the ball on that play. I was going to call a timeout there anyway, and we wanted to stop the clock and regroup."

QUARTERBACK Tavita Pritchard
On The Performance

"We just didn't execute down the stretch, and we need to come up with more plays at the end of the game. They did a good job; I need to do a better job of finding some holes in the defense. The offensive line today did an outstanding job, and I need to work on finding more soft spots in the defense. We just need to find a way to make more plays in the clutch and execute late in the game."

On TCU's Offense

"We just didn't execute the way we needed to today. It just felt really weird, we didn't play with the same intensity that we have for the rest of the season."

On The Mindset After Last Saturday's Victory At USC
"We came out on Monday of this week and stopped talking about last week [against USC] and started to focus on TCU. We tried our hardest to just forget about last week and just focus on this game, but we didn't perform the way we need to today."

LINEBACKER Clinton Snyder
On The Stanford Defense

"We definitely took a step back on defense today, lots of missed tackles and lots of missed assignments today. I will give TCU credit, they played a great game, but overall I believe we stopped ourselves. Sometimes we lined up wrong, but the overall theme today is missed opportunities. That is what the coaches stressed today is that we missed a lot of opportunities. We need to be fundamentally sound on defense and that is something we will need to continue to work on as a defense."

On The Effects Of Last Saturday's Win At USC
"We were focused on not letting that happen this week. We need to play consistently on defense, and we just didn't do that today."


On The Comeback

"At some point in time, the way you get yourself out of the habit of losing games is by making plays. The thing that I saw is midway through that game when they were up 31-17 was that we were trying to make excuses, and I told them don't panic, don't worry and go make plays."

The Play Of The Defense
"Defensively we didn't play exceptionally well because we gave up too many points. But the key was, and I thought the last half of the third quarter going into the fourth quarter, was that they played well. And that was the key, that they play well in the third quarter."

The Play Of The Offense
"This week it was a team effort. I was really excited about the offense because it gave us some confidence we were able to get out and go do some things."

On Going For The TD On 4th-And-Goal In The 4th Quarter
"When you're in someone's house you've got to make plays. You can't wait around for the game to come to you."

On The Offense's Execution

"This was definitely one of the better games we've had this year. Things seemed to be clicking. We had some plays that weren't working, but we tried to execute on every little thing we did."

On His TD Pass To Jimmy Young In The 3rd Quarter
"That was big. It was a big momentum changer I thought. I got the ball in Jimmy's hands and he made a play with it. So that was a big momentum changer."

On The Return Of Running Back Joseph Turner

"We need that big back, the big back we've been missing all year. Obviously it was something that we missed and I think a lot of people witnessed that."

On Quarterback Andy Dalton
He're really grown up, and this week was like a gut check. He is our starter and he only has one option: to produce.