
Stanford-Washington Post-Game Quotes

Recap | Final Stats | Notes

Washington 23, at Stanford 9 (Stanford, CA - Stanford Stadium)
November 3, 2007

Opening Statement
"We had too many penalties tonight, we couldn't put many series together, and we didn't play smart football. We left a lot of points on the board tonight, and we let a lot of opportunities get away from us. We had the fumble on the two yard line and some missed catches and a missed extra point. We need to do a better job of playing mistake-free and error-free football. I felt like we got outplayed and outcoached, and we need to do a better job."

On The Quarterback Change From Tavita Pritchard To T.C. Ostrander
"Tavita (Pritchard) got his shoulder dinged up a little bit on a roll out in the beginning of the game and that led to the switch."

On The Washington Running Game
"I feel like they did a great job and they are [Jake Locker and Louis Rankin] are as good a tandem as there is in the Pac-10. They were able to pick up a lot of third downs throughout the night and make a lot of big plays."

On The Game
"This is one of the most frustrating games I have ever played in. We are just killing ourselves with all the penalties and the missed throws and sloppiness in our play. I don't know if it is guys thinking too much and not just playing football, but we are definitely not doing a good job out there, and we need to go back and look at some things to get better. There were just a lot of things that just didn't go our way, and I thought Corey [Gatewood] went out there and made a lot of nice plays. It was tough to not score when we got the ball on the two, and I feel that if we were able to convert there, the game would have been much different."

On Coming Out Of The Game
"I felt a little pop when I got hit in the second quarter. I didn't even go down, but I came out later and was able to throw, but eventually the pain just kept getting worse, and I couldn't get back into the game."

On His Performance
"The motto on this team is that when one guy goes down, another guy steps up and fills in. Corey [Gatewood] made a great transition from cornerback to running back and played great out there tonight. I felt like I played well out there, but I am just going to look forward to next week and see what I can improve on."

On His Transition To Running Back
"I felt it was a pretty tough transition from defensive back because a lot of my defensive preparation is back pedaling. It's tough at first to see everything that is going on out there, but once you get a few plays out there you can start to read a lot of things and start to make big plays."

On Their First Pac-10 Win
"We did a wonderful job today. The players did an excellent, excellent job. It's been a long time coming. We've been knocking at the door, and all we wanted was to get it done. The defense stood up. For the most part they did a hell of a job. Our offense was, for the most part, really aggressive."

On The Injuries
"Nate Williams came out with a hamstring that's been bothering him. We had a hit to Chad Macklin in the back, and he has some spasms but he should be all right. And a couple of bruises."

On Running Back Louis Rankin
"It was an excellent job by him. Also an excellent job by the offensive line."

On The Defense
"They [the defense] played. They played. They tried to keep people off balance like we normally do, but they made plays. They played with a lot of confidence."

On Running Back Louis Rankin
"Louis is a special back. He's done that all year, and I think he had a breakout game today. That's what he's capable of doing. He ran hard, he stuck his nose in there and took what the defense gave him. And that opens up the whole offense when he does something like that."

On The Win
"I think we found a way to win in the end. It wasn't the prettiest game we played. We missed a couple opportunities, we had it in the red zone a couple times and didn't get touchdowns. That's stuff we've got to take advantage of. We've been waiting a couple weeks for that, and now we've got to take that momentum and carry it into the next couple of weeks. Everybody's really excited about the win today. Obviously, it's been a long time coming."

On His Big Day
"The line did really good, we did everything really good upfront and the whole offense opened up. I think we played good as an offense and they just called my number a lot, so that made me get a lot of yards."

On The Defense Getting His Fumble Back
"It took a lot of pressure off me, because I was thinking `man I could've cost us the game right there,' but they stepped up and got it back for me."

On How He Feels
"I didn't realize it at all, and I feel really good. Coach said I'll probably be a little sore tomorrow, but right now I feel really good."