
Stanford fencing sweeps Cal in all events at the Big Bout

Dec. 6, 2007

Standing room only for the Big Bout last Friday night where the Stanford Fencing team swept Cal in all events. The Cardinal freshman fenced strong with Alex Khoshnevissan and Lucas Janson bringing in the winning touches for their events. Reese Rogers had a powerful performance and was the anchor for men's epee. Stanford led the entire tournament remaining dominate throughout the Big Bout with the help of all the new freshman.

"This is going to be a great year! We have a strong young team. " Said Coach Milgram

The women's epee was strong as well, lead by Brittany Leader and ElaineHuspeni. Cardinal rookie's, Kat Lynch and Kersten Schnurle showed very wellfor their first collegiate tournament.

Eva Jellison and Jessica Wacker decided to take on the Cal men's teamwhen the women's sabre and foil were not there. Both women took onthe men and succeeded, with first place finishes in their respective events.

Coach Milgram was pleased with the results, "What can I say about the women...they are awesome!"