
Stanford-UCLA Football Post-Game Quotes (September 1, 2007)

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UCLA 45, at Stanford 17 (Stanford, CA - Stanford Stadium)
September 1, 2007

Opening Statement
"Overall this is very disappointing to us, I saw a lot of positives things out there on the field, and I don't think that the score was very indicative of how we played. We have a football team here now. There were things that were good that we did, and there were things that we didn't do well, but those things can be improved. We now have two weeks to make the improvements that we need to make, and I think this will be the most progress our football team will make. I believe the most progress our football team will make will be between games one and two."

On Things That Went Well
"There were many things that we did well on both sides of the ball. It started with our offensive line pass protecting. For throwing the ball sixty times, I really thought we had good protection. We needed to run the ball better though. Defensively we had a couple of stops early, but we had a couple balls that got outside of us. They had a couple of runs that got away from us, but that has to do with our tackling and we will improve that."

On The Running Game
"We had AK [Anthony Kimble] in there, but we really missed Toby's [Gerhart] presence. We need to improve our running game and Toby would have definitely helped us."

On T.C. Ostrander
"He was very gutty. There were some throws that weren't just good throws, they were great throws. There are some things out there that we need to iron out, but overall I was very impressed with the way he played."

On The Offense
"We need to improve our reads on their coverage. They had a couple reads out there that we didn't know too well. Overall we need to just keep getting better."

On The Current Season
"I still fell that we have a very strong team, regardless of what the score may be, and that we still have a very good chance at getting to a bowl game."

On His Feelings After The Loss
"Overall I am very disappointed. We were close there at the end of the first half. We made a lot of mistakes out there and weren't always on the same page, but a lot of things were under our control, and with two weeks before the next game we should be ready to go against San Jose State. Once we figure those things out, we should have a much more efficient offense."

On His Offensive Line
"They protected me really well. UCLA has a very good front four and they were bringing the house a lot on the blitzes, and overall my line just really protected me well. We just need to communicate better. A lot of the major breakdowns were just simple communication errors."

On Today's Game
"It was a good first game. It was a good statement at the beginning of the year. Defensively we played pretty well. I liked how we stopped the running game."

On The Difference Between The First Half And Second Half
"We were a bit conservative in the first half, then we decided to let our playmakers make plays."

On Kahlil Bell
"It was good to see Kahlil have the kind of game he had."

On The Team's Potential
"We have a lot of potential to do great things and this was a great first game for him [Kahlil] and all of us."

On QB Ben Olson
"[Olson] wasn't a pinpoint thrower on the shorter stuff, but I like how he threw the deep stuff."

On Today's Game
"I think we did a good job. We didn't play to our potential. I think the first half we didn't execute."

On Playing In The Bay Area
"To come out and get a win pretty decisively back in my hometown was good."

On His Favorite Run
"Getting the first down on third and one, that was the highlight for me. Then we took that and went 96 yards for the touchdown."

On Today's Game
"I really liked how when things weren't running well we came back. It was the first game, and we've got to get better and learn from it. We did what we were trying to do, and now we've got to go out and get better."