Women's Soccer

Postgame Quotes

Nov. 16, 2008

Recap | Final Stats

Kansas head coach Mark Francis
On the match:
"I thought we played really well the first 25 minutes, had some good chances. They scored five goals today, and I thought they only earned one of them. The others were mistakes in our defensive third. They (Stanford) were the better team today, but I don't know if they were five goals better."

On what makes Stanford so difficult to defend:
"They have three forwards (Lindsay Taylor, Kelley O'Hara and Christen Press) that are all very dynamic and are all very tough to defend. They put a lot of pressure on the defense and force them to make mistakes."

On what he told the team after the game:
"I told the team that I was proud of them for how they played this season. We made the NCAA Tournament this year, which was our goal from the end of last year. It was great to make it back there after not making it the last couple of years. But I think next year, we can't be satisfied with just making the tournament. We need to start making it more consistently and going farther."