Women's Soccer

Stanford-Rutgers Post-Game Quotes

Nov. 21, 2008

Recap | Final Stats

Press Conference Quotes - Stanford 1, Rutgers 0

Nov. 21, 2008

 Stanford Coach Paul Ratcliffe

 On the game:

 "We're very pleased to get the result. Rutgers is a very organized team and we played good soccer the entire game, but it took a spectacular goal to win the game. Christen Press had an unbelievable assist and then Kelly O'Hara made a first-class volley."

 On advancing to the quarterfinals after being eliminated in the third round two straight years:

 "Our goal is to win a national title. I think it will take a little bit of luck at times, but sometimes you have

to make your own luck. Today we showed great perseverance and made a little bit of our own luck."


 Stanford Forward Christen Press

 On advancing to the quarterfinals:

 "I think we go into every game thinking that the stakes are getting higher. We go into every game with high expectations because we are such a talented team. It makes it more fun and more exciting because it is such a blessing to be on this team and every game is your last game if you don't win."


 Stanford Forward Kelly O'Hara

 On the game-winning goal:

 "Christen Press got down on the endline and sent a great ball in and I just stepped in and hit it. I didn't really think about it to be honest. I just kept telling myself `we're going to score, we were going to win.'"

 "I think that it is a statement to our team that we just kept pushing and we just kept playing and that we kept our composure for the entire game."

 On frustration caused by getting so many good looks, but no goal:

 "You definitely get frustrated, but you can't let it affect you when you're playing. You just have to brush

it off and tell yourself that you'll get another one. That is what I kept doing and kept trying to keep the team going. Everyone just kept pushing and our team just believes that we will score a goal and that is what happened."

 "Someone was saying it, when we went into the huddle, that we have eight or ten minutes left in the game, but it only takes one second to score. It is just about telling yourself that you have to brush off the mistakes and just keep going."


Rutgers Coach Glenn Crooks

 On the game:

 "Stanford is an outstanding team and I congratulate them on their victory. I know Paul and his staff very well and I have nothing but respect for them. As far as our girls, it has been an unbelievable year for us. The week leading into this game was very difficult to prepare for us.We couldn't have a regular training session because we couldn't get enough bodies to train. Alicia, along with Christine Edwards, Ashley Jones and Jennifer haven't trained all week because they are playing on one leg, on one leg and a half."

 "The one thing I want to emphasize with my team is that Stanford played a great game, but we have a bunch of warriors on our team. We put a lot on the line tonight and it has been that way all season. Tonight we just couldn't survive what was a great deal of pressure."

 "Our organization defensively and our ability to negate some of their closer opportunities was good and everyone up here was involved in that. Erin made some amazing saves. Rheanne did some stuff on her side of the field that prevented some opportunities. And Alicia digging in in the midfield was very big for us. The focus for us is that it was a great season for us."

 "We aren't happy with a loss, but I am very proud, very proud of us."

 On Rutgers' attack lacking rhythm:

 "Stanford had something to do with [being off rhythm], but we could have played better too. We didn't have a chance to get into any type of rhythm in training because we never had the bodies. But you're right, we are a rhythm team and we couldn't keep the ball as well as we normally can. I think that Stanford had something to do with that."

 "Back when we were scouting them, what we said to the team was to generate an attack. Because what we have seen is that other teams were so worried about defending them, that they don't get involved in their attack enough. I think that happened to us a little bit tonight."

 On the effect of Stanford's late goal:

 "There is a certain point where you say, lets just get to the end of the game and we'll regroup. They were obviously putting a lot of pressure on us. And there were a lot of players where a five minute break would help them regroup physically and tactically."


 Rutgers Midfielder Alicia Hall

 On if Stanford's offense was the best they had seen all year:

 "Yeah, definitely. I would say that this is the best offense I have seen all year, along with Notre Dame

and Portland. I wish them all the luck."


 Rutgers Goal Keeper Erin Guthrie

 On if Stanford's offense was the best they had seen all year:

 "I think that this offense just does not stop running at any team. One thing that they did that I have not seen before is the way that they combine around people. I think that we have one of the best defenses in the country and the way that they combine and get it behind, I have never seen it before. And I would be shocked if anyone can beat this team this year."

 "They attacked with so much speed and numbers. You think you have freedom when you clear the ball, and then they are right back down your throat again."

 On being in the game right up until the final minutes:

 "We held them for 86 minutes and I think that says volumes about our team under the circumstances. Like our coach said, we came in here thinking we could conquer the world, but I guess we were four minutes away from doing it."

 "I don't know about anyone else on this team, but there was just a feeling that we would do it. No one was going to score on us today, but then with four minutes left, they put in a goal like that."


 Rutgers Defender Rheanne Sleiman

 On if Stanford's offense was the best they had seen all year:

 "Stanford was a really good offensive team. For the full ninety minutes you had to be on your toes. You couldn't even take a minute to look up in the stands. You had to be on your toes because they are coming at you all the time, they were combining around us."