
Cardinal Post Nine Wins On Day one of McIntyre

March 6, 2011

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Complete Results for McIntyre in PDF Format
Complete Results for Graham Hall



REDWOOD SHORES / ANNAPOLIS-- On the first day of the two-day McIntyre Intersectional at Redwood Shores, Stanford sailed to a 9-1 mark against nine other competitors. Hawaii is in second place with eight wins and the Coast Guard Academy is third with a 7-3 mark.

At the U.S. Naval Academy at the Graham Hall Team Race, after a 1-6 start, Stanford rebounded to win its last six races of the day, ranking second in the Silver Division with five wins.

Stanford went 6-8 overall, thanks in part to a  4-2 record  in the second round of racing. Stanford won its last race of the day in the third round of racing, skippered by Nick Dugdale, Ben Pedrick and Oliver Toole.

The top-eight teams make up the gold division, the lower eight make up the silver division, with three sets of boats competing against one another from each school. A win results in the best combined finish among the three.

Team Racing:
Graham Hall Team Race

Skippers: Dugdale, Pedrick, Toole
Crew: McConnell, McKinney, Buckstaff, Tobin
First Round: 1-6
Silver Division I: 4-2
Silver Division II (on-going): 1-0

Skippers: Laube, Mace, Vargas
Crew: Ortel, Riklin, King
First Round: 9-1