
Light Winds Lead to Light Day at McIntyre Team Regatta

March 3, 2012

REDWOOD SHORES, Calif.-- With nearly no wind, it was a quiet first day of the team's own two-day McIntyre Team Regatta, with just 21 races taking place among the 10 teams.

Racing did not start until 4 p.m. as USC has the early lead at 4-0 while Michigan and Stanford are 3-1.

Racing concludes on Sunday at the team's own sailing facility, near the former home of Marine World on the Peninsula.

Full Results: http://tinyurl.com/7za7gpf

First Round Records: Northwestern 2-2, Michigan 3-1, Oregon 0-4, Western Washington 1-3, Stanford 3-1, UC Irvine1-3, UCLA 2-2, UC Santa Barbara 2-2, Hawaii 3-2, USC 4-0

Stanford Sailors: Kieran Chung/Yuri Namikawa, Hans Henken/Natalie Urban, Sally Mace/Helena Scutt, Michael Dahl/Katie Riklin