Men's Gymnastics

Player Bio: Andrew Mcintyre

  Andrew Mcintyre
Hamilton, MA
High School:
Hamilton-Wenham Regional High School

2007 Season (Freshman): Competed on the pommel horse and the horizontal bar as a freshman last season ... Helped the Cardinal to a second place MPSF finish with an 8.70 on the horizontal bar ... Posted an 8.30 on the horizontal bar and a 7.60 on the pommel horse at the NCAA Championship team final ... Earned a career-best score of 8.10 on the pommel horse against Nebraska ... Also recorded a career high score of 9.10 on the horizontal bar against Michigan.

High School: A 2006 graduate of Hamilton-Wenham High School in Hamilton, MA ... Four-time Academic All-American ... Named to the Regional Team in 2005 and 2006 ... Crowned the 2006 Regional high bar champion ... Also a six-time Junior Olympic Nationals competitor.

Career Bests:
Pommel Horse: 8.1
Horizontal Bar: 9.1

Getting To Know Andrew McIntyre



Angus and Carol McIntyre


Mechanical Engineering



The best thing about Stanford is:

The gymnastics team

My favorite place on campus is:

Eric Hergenrader's Room

Ten years from now I hope to be:

A Happy Millionaire

My favorite class at Stanford:

Math 53

Something people would be surprised to know about me:

I'm an identical twin.

The place I would most like to visit:

Eric's room

My favorite pre-meet rituals are:


Stanford Men's Gymnastics will be fun to watch this year because:

Eric Hergenrader

My greatest athletic moment was:

2007 NCAA Nationals

The athlete I admire most:

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The current or former Stanford athlete I most enjoying watching perform:

Eric Hergenrader because his cranium is so large -- it is amazing he can even walk

Since coming to Stanford, I have learned:

How to actually study

Best book I have ever read:

A Clockwork Orange

Favorite food:

Dry Oats

Least favorite food:

Hot Tuna

If I had to cook all of my meals, I'd probably survive on:


Favorite movie:

War of the Worlds

Favorite TV show:

60 Minutes

Favorite actor:

Thom Glielmi

Favorite actress:

Laura Dern

My ultimate SportsCenter highlight would be:

Eric's star winning horse set

My favorite musical group:

The Knife

The best advice I ever received was:

Don't Lie

If I could invite three people to dinner in history, they would be:

Groucho, Chico, and Harpo Marx

I'd like to switch places for a day with:

Eric Hergenrader

If I could bring anything from my hometown to Stanford it would be:

The Salt Marsh

If I had one CD to listen to it would be:

"Silent Shout" by The Knife

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