Women's Swimming & Diving

Player Bio: Brooke Bishop

  Brooke Bishop
Los Altos, CA
High School:
Mountain View HS
Back/Sprint Free
Last Club:
Palo Alto Stanford Aquatics

Collegiate All-American (13) Pac-10 Champion (4)

Cardinal Career: Ranks among the school's Top Five performers in four different events (100 Free, 2nd, 48.38 Relay Split ... 50 Free, 3rd, 22.17 ... 100 Back, 5th, 53.50 ... 200 Back, 5th, 1:56.11).

As A Junior In 2006-07: 6- Time All-American Postseason Finalist - NCAA Championships (400 Medley Relay, 3rd... 200 Medley Relay, 4th... 200 Free Relay, 5th... 50 Free, 5th... 100 Back, 6th... 400 Free Relay, 9th... 100 Free, 10th) Pac-10 Championships (200 Medley Relay, 1st... 200 Free Relay 2nd... 100 Back, 2nd... 100 Free, 3rd ... 400 Free Relay, 3rd ... 50 Free, 4th)

As A Sophomore In 2005-06: 3-Time All-American Pac-10 Champion Postseason Finalist - NCAA Championships (50 Free, 3rd ... 100 Back, 5th ... 400 Medley Relay, 6th ... 200 Medley Relay, 9th ... 200 Free Relay, 9th ... 400 Free Relay, 9th) Pac-10 Championships (50 Free, 1st ... 200 Free Relay, 2nd ... 800 Free Relay, 4th ... 200 Medley Relay, 4th ... 400 Medley Relay, 4th ... 400 Free Relay, 5th ... 100 Back, 6th ... 200 Back, 8th) 3-Time Stanford/Met-Rx Student Athlete of the Week Stanford 50 Free Pool Record (22.58).

As A Freshman In 2004-05: Postseason Finalist - NCAA Championships (400 Medley Relay, 3rd ... 200 Medley Relay, 4th ... 200 Free Relay, 6th ... 400 Free Relay, 10th ... 50 Free, 11th) Pac-10 Championships (200 Medley Relay, 1st ... 400 Medley Relay, 1st ... 50 Free, 2nd ... 200 Free Relay, 2nd ... 400 Free Relay, 2nd ... 200 Back, 6th ... 100 Back, 9th)

International Competition Highlights: 2007 USA World University Games Team.

National Competition Highlights: 2006 Summer Senior Nationals (100 Back, 4th ... 50 Free 8th ... 100 Free, 17th) 2005 Summer Senior Nationals (50 Free, 3rd ... 100 Back, 4th ... 100 Free, 16th) 2005 World Championships Trials (50 Free, 11th) 2004 Summer Senior Nationals (50 Free, 1st, First National Title ... 100 Back, 6th ... 100 Free, 13th) 2004 U.S. Olympic Trials (50 Free ... 100 Back) 2003 Summer Senior Nationals (50 Free, 10th ... 100 Back, 13th) 2003 Spring Senior Nationals (50 Free, 12th ... 100 Back, 16th) 2003 Spring Junior Nationals (High Point Award, 5-Time Winner, 50 Free ... 100 Free ... 50 Back ... 100 Back ... 100 Fly) Current Junior National Record Holder (50 Free ... 50 Back ... 100 Back ... 50 Fly) Current CCS Record Holder (50 Free, 100 Back) ... National Select Camp Member.

High School: A 2004 graduate of Mountain View High School Never lost a race as a prep 8-Time Central Coast Section Champion 2003 San Jose Mercury News Athlete of the Year Coached by Ben Murray.

Club: Palo Alto Stanford Aquatics (PASA) Coached by Scott Shea.

Getting To Know Brooke Bishop
Wow!!: Brooke and her father, Brad, went to Nepal in the summer of 2005 and trekked to Base Camp at Mount Everest

Top Times
Event (Time, Stanford Top 10 Ranking)
100 Free (48.38 Relay Split, #2)50 Free (22.17, #3)100 Back (53.49 Relay Split, #5)200 Back (1:56.11, #6)