Women's Gymnastics

Player Bio: Gretchen O'Henley

  Gretchen O'Henley
Oakland, Calif.
High School:
St. Mary's
Head Over Heels

2008 Season (Freshman): Earned Academic All-America honors ... competed both on vault and bars in two meets, against Georgia and Iowa State ... earned best scores of 9.825 in the vault, against Georgia, and 9.700 on bars, at Iowa State.

Club/High School: A 2007 graduate of Saint Mary's College High School in Berkeley, Calif. ... competed at the 2006 junior national championships ... third in the California state championships in all-around in 2006 and 2007 ... third on floor and fifth on vault at regional championships in 2007 ... coached by Katreece Roberts and Oleg Kosyak at Head Over Heels Gymnastics in Emeryville, Calif.

Personal: Enjoys music and singing, and Broadway musicals and baseball ... daughter of Neil and Joan O'Henley ... has an older brother, Peter.

Getting to know Gretchen O'Henley

My earliest gymnastics memory is ... being inspired by the U.S. women's team winning the gold medal in the 1996 Olympics

Growing up in gymnastics, I always pretended to be ... Dominique Moceanu

The coolest thing I had in my bedroom growing up was ... a lamp shaped like an elephant

What is your hidden talent? I can sing and play the piano

Other than my parents, who would you consider as your mentor? My friend Lillian from my club team

The name of my first pet was ... Spot (a fish)

I'd be the perfect person to ... live in a tree for a while

If you could trade places with anyone on the team, who would it be and why? Allyse Ishino because then I wouldn't have to think so hard in my floor routine about the dance, it would just come naturally

The most unforgettable venue I ever competed in was ... SWG's first home meet last year against Georgia. It was awesome!

The best advice my parents ever gave me was ... stop worrying so much

The best advice my coach ever gave me was ... trust the work you've done and be confident

Who would play you on-screen? My first pick would be Tom Hanks, except I'm a girl so that doesn't really work, so I'll go with Hilary Swank

Who would play your coach? Eva Longoria?

My greatest athletic moment was ... getting to compete for Stanford!

Since coming to Stanford, I have learned ... there are more opportunities here to find things that you have a passion for than anywhere else in the world, so you have to take advantage of them!

The best thing about Stanford women's gymnastics is ... as a team we keep challenging and pushing ourselves to reach our potential while at the same time having fun!

I'm most thankful for ... my parents, for letting me decide for myself what I wanted to do with my life and then always supporting me through it