Stanford University's Official Athletic Site - Women's Gymnastics

FAQ's about Stanford Women's Gymnastics

Question: What is the quarter system?

Answer: Stanford’s academic calendar operates on quarters rather then semesters. The Fall quarter starts around 9/24 and ends around 12/13. Winter quarter starts around 1/6 and ends around 3/20. Spring quarter starts around 3/30 and ends around 6/8. There is also a summer quarter for students who wish to take classes then.

Question: Why doesn’t Stanford offer priority registration for student athletes?

Answer: Stanford has about 6,500 undergraduate students about 900 of which arestudent-athletes. As you read earlier, 88% of all classes offered at Stanford have less than 30 students in them. Due to having a small student body and hundreds of classes offered each quarter there is no problem getting the classes you want. In fact, students “shop” for classes for the first two weeks of each quarter- no one needs to register until then!

Question: Does Stanford offer 5th year scholarships and summer school aid?

Answer: Yes! We have found that most Stanford student-athletes have very little trouble finishing their degrees in 4 years mainly because the type of student athlete we recruit is very motivated. However, Stanford’s number 1 priority is that each student finished his or her degree. If a 5th year is required to finish degree requirements scholarship money is often available and student-athletes need to request this additional aid. Summer school aid can also be requested for student-athletes.

Question: Why doesn’t Stanford offer special student-athlete advising and tutoring?

Answer: Stanford has several tiers of advising for all students, athletes included. One look at our graduation rate (90% in 1997 for all students) and you can see that the Stanford advising system works. Every student is provided with a faculty/staff advisor and a peer advisor. Beyond that, we have 2 full time staff members in the athletic department to perform academic advising. There is also a special advising program for Freshmen Varsity athletes called Partners for Academic Excellence. Tutoring is offered all over campus, free of charge, in freshmen dormitories, in different departments offices and in different organization offices. And, the athletic department can provide you with additional tutoring at your request. The graduation rate for female athletes at Stanford for the class of 1997 was 92%, a strong testament to the advising and tutoring system here at Stanford.

Question: Do student-athletes have access to general health doctors as well as orthopedic specialists?

Answer: Yes! Orthopedic specialists have office hours every day in the athletic department training room and general health physicians are also available. If a student-athlete has a cold or wants to see a doctor for non-athletic related reasons they can come directly to the training room and see a physician. They don’t need to wait in line at the student health center!

Question: Do student-athletes study all the time? I heard they have no social life.

Answer: A common myth about Stanford is that everyone is a really smart bookworm who never has any fun. It’s not true! Stanford is committed to creating a vibrant, diverse community filled with intelligent people from all backgrounds. The Admissions office turns away candidates who have outstanding academic credentials if they don’t have other experiences that make them a well-rounded person. This criterion creates an incredible student body that is driven to succeed not only in the academic arena but also in the gym and in the community. And the social life is alive and well on a campus that is home to 6,500 students ranging from 18-23 years old!

Question: What is the Stanford Gymnastics facility like? Who uses it?

Answer: The Stanford Gymnastics facility is one of the top facilities in the country. We have in-ground open pit landings as well as resi-pits. We also have a full size trampoline with an “Aussie” bed, spotting belts and a bungee cord spotting system. We share the gym with the Stanford Men’s team- they’re our biggest fans!

Question: When should I take the SAT or ACT?

Answer: As soon as possible! The benefit of taking either test early is that you have more time to retake it if you choose. We also suggest that you use test preparation materials or classes to prepare for the exam. Stanford values these test scores very highly and the more preparation you can put in before hand the better!

Question: What is the Stanford Women’s Gymnastics team GPA?

Answer: Our team GPA is 3.47! It is a true testament to both the admissions process and the team. We only recruit student-athletes that we know will not only succeed academically and athletically at Stanford, but will excel while having the college experience they always dreamed about.

Question: What test scores and grades are necessary for admission?

Answer: Stanford evaluates each application individually. Test scores, grades, class selection and the application all factor into the admissions office’s decisions. Therefore, there is no exact test score or GPA we can give you that will be sufficient. But the sooner we receive your information the more we can assist with the admissions process.

Question: When can I visit Stanford?

Answer: You can visit Stanford anytime! Due to NCAA rules we do not bring recruits out for official visits until after mid September. But as the recruiting process begins earlier and earlier each year we encourage everyone interested in Stanford to take an unofficial visit as early as the summer before their Junior year. Choosing a university and a gymnastics program is a big decision and it is important to make sure that you have as much information as you need to make an educated choice. Please come visit anytime.

Question: Where does Stanford Gymnastics compete at home?

Answer: For most competitions we compete in Burnham Pavilion. Burnham is in the same building as our training gym so we don’t have to go far! Maples Pavilion, the larger arena on campus, is undergoing a major renovation in 2004. This renovation will allow us to bid for Championship meets as well as host more co-ed dual meets with the Stanford Men’s Gymnastics Team.

Question: Where do student-athletes live at Stanford?

Answer: All students are guaranteed housing on campus for all four years at Stanford. This creates an incredibly cohesive community with the university. There are always several social, cultural and educational events taking place, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to explore every aspect of college life.

Question: How does the faculty work with student-athletes when they miss classes for competitions?

Answer: Professors at Stanford are very supportive of student-athletes. Many Stanford students have special skills and talents that take them away from the classroom. Professors are accustomed to working with students and their schedules to ensure success in the classroom. Whether that means faxing lecture notes while the team is on the road or offering an early midterm if the team has a competition, professors have the utmost respect for student-athletes and can often be found at our home meets cheering on the Cardinal!

Question: What are some Stanford Women’s Gymnastics alumni doing now?

Answer: One of the most exciting things about an experience here at Stanford University is that you are not limited by anything! Our student-athletes major in everything from Civil Engineering to Human Biology to East Asian Studies! Here’s what some of our alumni are doing now:

Alissa Cooper, ’03Obtaining a graduate degree in Computer Science from Stanford University

Kristin Jensen, ’02Performing medical research at Harvard University

Jenny Wilson, ’01In her 1st year of medical school at Stanford University

Tara LaMorte, ’00Finishing law school at New York University

Kim Young, ’00In her 3rd year of medical school at Stanford University

Sarah Harding, ’00Performing in Cirque du Soleil

Amy Murakami, ‘99Working as a quality engineer at Oracle

Katie Fitzpatrick, ’99Obtaining a graduate degree in Public Policy from Georgetown University