California Baptist - Stats

Stanford vs Cal Baptist (Jan 29, 2016)

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Volleyball Box Score



Volleyball Box Score
2016 Stanford Men's Volleyball
#6 Stanford vs Cal Baptist
(Jan 29, 2016 at Riverside, Calif.)

##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE  Points 
4   Kaminski, Conrad   13  .538  12.5 
5   Vega, Gabriel   20  .150  9.5 
8   Shaw, James   1.000  30  7.0 
9   Stephanus, Alex   16  .438  10.5 
12  Ewert, Jordan   13  .385  8.0 
13  Rakestraw, Kevin   10  .500  8.5 
1   Dagostino, Kyle   -1.000  0.0 
10  Enriques, Evan   .000  10  0.0 
  Totals  44  12  79  .405  36  22  18  56.0 
Set  TA  Pct  Sideout  Pct 
14  29  .345  14-22   63% 
14  20  .500  18-22   81% 
16  30  .400  16-21   76% 
          48-65   73% 
Stanford   (3)  25  25  25     6-1, 4-1 in MPSF  
Cal Baptist   (0)  22  21  21     3-5, 0-5 in MPSF  
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE  Points 
1   Rocky DeLyon   11  18  .444  12.5 
3   Rohit Paul   11  .182  4.0 
7   Cody Jackson   14  .071  7.0 
8   Caleb Miller   .667  7.0 
11  Zachary Melcher   .000  32  0.5 
20  Enrique Garcia   15  .400  9.5 
6   Emmett Enriques   .000  0.0 
10  Kevin Vaz   .400  2.5 
12  Roy Powell   11  .091  5.5 
14  Jackson Burge   .000  0.0 
17  Luis Palos   .000  0.0 
  Totals  41  15  83  .313  37  13  20  11  48.5 
Set  TA  Pct  Sideout  Pct 
13  30  .200  14-25   56% 
12  20  .500  17-24   70% 
16  33  .303  16-25   63% 
          47-74   63% 

Site: Riverside, Calif. (Van Dyne Gym)
Date: Jan 29, 2016 Attend: 430 Time: 1:23
Referees: Syd Church, Larry Schwartz

Tie scores 
Lead changes 

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Volleyball Detailed Stats



Volleyball Detailed Stats
2016 Stanford Men's Volleyball
#6 Stanford vs Cal Baptist
(Jan 29, 2016 at Riverside, Calif.)

##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct  Points 
4   Kaminski, Conrad   13  .538  .500  13  .769  .000  12.5 
5   Vega, Gabriel   20  .150  .500  12  .917  1.000  9.5 
8   Shaw, James   1.000  30  60  .500  .667  .000  7.0 
9   Stephanus, Alex   16  .438  .500  16  .938  10  1.000  10.5 
12  Ewert, Jordan   13  .385  .000  1.000  20  .952  8.0 
13  Rakestraw, Kevin   10  .500  1.000  12  .917  .000  8.5 
1   Dagostino, Kyle   -1.000  .000  1.000  1.000  0.0 
10  Enriques, Evan   .000  .667  .000  10  17  1.000  0.0 
TM  TEAM   .000  .000  .000  .000  0.0 
  Totals.........  44  12  79  .405  36  70  .514  74  .878  22  18  50  .962  56.0 
Set  TA  Pct  Sideout  Pct 
14  29  .345  14-22   63% 
14  20  .500  18-22   81% 
16  30  .400  16-21   76% 
          48-65   73% 
Stanford   (3)  25  25  25     6-1, 4-1 in MPSF  
Cal Baptist   (0)  22  21  21     3-5, 0-5 in MPSF  
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct  Points 
1   Rocky DeLyon   11  18  .444  .000  .778  18  .947  12.5 
3   Rohit Paul   11  .182  .000  .500  1.000  4.0 
7   Cody Jackson   14  .071  1.000  12  .750  .000  7.0 
8   Caleb Miller   .667  .333  .833  .000  7.0 
11  Zachary Melcher   .000  32  70  .457  10  1.000  .000  0.5 
20  Enrique Garcia   15  .400  1.000  .750  .000  9.5 
6   Emmett Enriques   .000  .333  .000  28  .966  0.0 
10  Kevin Vaz   .400  .000  .667  .000  2.5 
12  Roy Powell   11  .091  .333  .750  10  .909  5.5 
14  Jackson Burge   .000  .000  1.000  .000  0.0 
17  Luis Palos   .000  .000  1.000  .000  0.0 
  Totals.........  41  15  83  .313  37  82  .451  13  65  .800  20  11  62  .954  48.5 
Set  TA  Pct  Sideout  Pct 
13  30  .200  14-25   56% 
12  20  .500  17-24   70% 
16  33  .303  16-25   63% 
          47-74   63% 

Site: Riverside, Calif. (Van Dyne Gym)
Date: Jan 29, 2016 Attend: 430 Time: 1:23
Referees: Syd Church, Larry Schwartz

Tie scores 
Lead changes 

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Short Box Score



Short Box Score (Match)
2016 Stanford Men's Volleyball
#6 Stanford vs Cal Baptist
(Jan 29, 2016 at Riverside, Calif.)

Stanford def. Cal Baptist 25-22,25-21,25-21

Stanford (6-1, 4-1 in MPSF) (Kills-aces-blocks) - Stephanus,
Alex 9-0-3; Kaminski, Conrad 8-2-5; Vega, Gabriel 8-0-3; Ewert, Jordan
7-0-2; Shaw, James 6-0-2; Rakestraw, Kevin 6-1-3; Totals 44-3-9.0.
(Assists) - Shaw, James 30. (Dig leaders) - Enriques, Evan 10; Ewert,
Jordan 5

Cal Baptist (3-5, 0-5 in MPSF) (Kills-aces-blocks) - Rocky
DeLyon 11-1-1; Enrique Garcia 8-0-3; Caleb Miller 6-0-2; Cody Jackson
6-0-2; Rohit Paul 4-0-0; Roy Powell 4-1-1; Kevin Vaz 2-0-1; Zachary
Melcher 0-0-1; Totals 41-2-5.5. (Assists) - Zachary Melcher 32. (Dig
leaders) - Rocky DeLyon 5; Zachary Melcher 4

Site: Riverside, Calif. (Van Dyne Gym)

Date: Jan 29, 2016 Attend: 430 Time: 1:23
Referees: Syd Church, Larry Schwartz

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Play-by-Play Summary



Play-by-Play Summary
2016 Stanford Men's Volleyball
#6 Stanford vs Cal Baptist
(Jan 29, 2016 at Riverside, Calif.)

1st Set

For CBU: Rohit Paul; Cody Jackson; Caleb Miller; Enrique Garcia; Zachary Melcher; Rocky DeLyon; libero Emmett Enriques.
For STAN: Shaw, James; Kaminski, Conrad; Stephanus, Alex; Ewert, Jordan; Rakestraw, Kevin; Vega, Gabriel; libero Enriques, Evan.
1-0Point CBU - (Vega, Gabriel) Kill by Caleb Miller (from Zachary Melcher).so
1-1Point STAN - (Caleb Miller) Kill by Kaminski, Conrad (from Shaw, James).so
2-1Point CBU - (Stephanus, Alex) Attack error by Kaminski,
3-1Point CBU - (Cody Jackson) Kill by Cody Jackson (from Enrique Garcia).
3-2Point STAN - (Cody Jackson) Service
3-3Point STAN - (Kaminski, Conrad) Kill by Ewert, Jordan.
3-4Point STAN - (Kaminski, Conrad) Attack error by Cody Jackson.
3-5Point STAN - (Kaminski, Conrad) Service ace (Emmett Enriques).
4-5Point CBU - (Kaminski, Conrad) Kill by Enrique Garcia (from Zachary Melcher).so
4-6Point STAN - (Rohit Paul) Kill by Ewert, Jordan (from Shaw, James).so
4-7Point STAN - (Shaw, James) Attack error by Rocky DeLyon (block by Vega, Gabriel; Rakestraw, Kevin).
5-7Point CBU - (Shaw, James) Kill by Rocky DeLyon (from Zachary Melcher).so
5-8Point STAN - (Enrique Garcia) Kill by Vega, Gabriel (from Shaw, James).so
6-8Point CBU - (Ewert, Jordan) Attack error by Stephanus, Alex (block by Caleb Miller; Cody Jackson).so
6-9Point STAN - (Zachary Melcher) Kill by Stephanus, Alex (from Enriques, Evan).so
7-9Point CBU - (Rakestraw, Kevin) Service
7-10Point STAN - (Rocky DeLyon) Attack error by Rohit Paul (block by Kaminski, Conrad; Vega, Gabriel).so
7-11Point STAN - (Vega, Gabriel) Attack error by Cody Jackson.
8-11Point CBU - (Vega, Gabriel) Service
8-12Point STAN - (Caleb Miller) Kill by Vega, Gabriel (from Shaw, James).so
8-13Point STAN - (Stephanus, Alex) Kill by Ewert, Jordan (from Vega, Gabriel).
Timeout Cal Baptist.
9-13Point CBU - (Stephanus, Alex) Kill by Enrique Garcia (from Zachary Melcher).so
10-13Point CBU - (Cody Jackson) Kill by Rohit Paul (from Cody Jackson), block error by TEAM.
11-13Point CBU - (Cody Jackson) Kill by Rohit Paul (from Zachary Melcher).
11-14Point STAN - (Cody Jackson) Kill by Ewert, Jordan (from Shaw, James).so
12-14Point CBU - (Kaminski, Conrad) Service
12-15Point STAN - (Rohit Paul) Kill by Vega, Gabriel (from Shaw, James).so
13-15Point CBU - (Shaw, James) Service
14-15Point CBU - (Enrique Garcia) Kill by Rocky DeLyon.
14-16Point STAN - (Enrique Garcia) Service
14-17Point STAN - (Ewert, Jordan) Kill by Vega, Gabriel (from Shaw, James).
15-17Point CBU - (Ewert, Jordan) Kill by Caleb Miller (from Zachary Melcher).so
16-17Point CBU - (Zachary Melcher) Attack error by Vega, Gabriel.
16-18Point STAN - (Zachary Melcher) Kill by Rakestraw,
16-19Point STAN - (Rakestraw, Kevin) Attack error by Rocky DeLyon (block by Kaminski, Conrad; Stephanus, Alex).
17-19Point CBU - (Rakestraw, Kevin) Kill by Rocky DeLyon (from Zachary Melcher).so
17-20Point STAN - (Rocky DeLyon) Attack error by Cody
17-21Point STAN - (Vega, Gabriel) Kill by Vega, Gabriel (from Shaw, James).
Timeout Cal Baptist.
18-21Point CBU - (Vega, Gabriel) Kill by Cody Jackson (from Zachary Melcher).so
For CBU: Roy Powell.
19-21Point CBU - (Roy Powell) Service ace (Ewert, Jordan).
Timeout Stanford.
19-22Point STAN - (Roy Powell) Service
For CBU: Caleb Miller.
19-23Point STAN - (Stephanus, Alex) Attack error by Cody Jackson.
20-23Point CBU - (Stephanus, Alex) Kill by Cody Jackson (from Zachary Melcher).so
21-23Point CBU - (Cody Jackson) Kill by Rohit Paul.
22-23Point CBU - (Cody Jackson) Attack error by Vega, Gabriel.
Timeout Stanford.
For STAN: Dagostino, Kyle.
22-24Point STAN - (Cody Jackson) Kill by Ewert, Jordan (from Shaw, James).so
22-25Point STAN - (Kaminski, Conrad) Kill by Rakestraw, Kevin.

2nd Set

For STAN: Shaw, James; Kaminski, Conrad; Stephanus, Alex; Ewert, Jordan; Rakestraw, Kevin; Vega, Gabriel; libero Enriques, Evan.
For CBU: Rohit Paul; Cody Jackson; Caleb Miller; Enrique Garcia; Zachary Melcher; Rocky DeLyon; libero Emmett Enriques.
1-0Point CBU - (Rocky DeLyon) Service ace (TEAM).
1-1Point STAN - (Rocky DeLyon) Kill by Kaminski, Conrad (from Shaw, James).so
1-2Point STAN - (Stephanus, Alex) Kill by Stephanus, Alex (from Shaw, James).
1-3Point STAN - (Stephanus, Alex) Attack error by Rohit Paul.
2-3Point CBU - (Stephanus, Alex) Kill by Rocky DeLyon (from Zachary Melcher).so
2-4Point STAN - (Caleb Miller) Service
3-4Point CBU - (Kaminski, Conrad) Service
3-5Point STAN - (Cody Jackson) Kill by Rakestraw, Kevin (from Shaw, James).so
4-5Point CBU - (Shaw, James) Service
4-6Point STAN - (Rohit Paul) Service
5-6Point CBU - (Ewert, Jordan) Kill by Enrique Garcia (from Zachary Melcher).so
5-7Point STAN - (Enrique Garcia) Kill by Rakestraw, Kevin (from Shaw, James).so
6-7Point CBU - (Rakestraw, Kevin) Kill by Caleb Miller (from Zachary Melcher).so
6-8Point STAN - (Zachary Melcher) Kill by Stephanus, Alex (from Shaw, James).so
7-8Point CBU - (Vega, Gabriel) Kill by Rocky DeLyon (from Zachary Melcher).so
7-9Point STAN - (Rocky DeLyon) Service
8-9Point CBU - (Stephanus, Alex) Kill by Cody
8-10Point STAN - (Caleb Miller) Kill by Stephanus, Alex (from Shaw, James).so
8-11Point STAN - (Kaminski, Conrad) Service ace (Rocky DeLyon).
9-11Point CBU - (Kaminski, Conrad) Service
9-12Point STAN - (Cody Jackson) Service
10-12Point CBU - (Shaw, James) Kill by Rohit Paul (from Zachary Melcher).so
10-13Point STAN - (Rohit Paul) Service
11-13Point CBU - (Ewert, Jordan) Kill by Rocky DeLyon (from Zachary Melcher).so
11-14Point STAN - (Enrique Garcia) Kill by Rakestraw, Kevin (from Shaw, James).so
12-14Point CBU - (Rakestraw, Kevin) Kill by Cody Jackson (from Zachary Melcher).so
12-15Point STAN - (Zachary Melcher) Kill by Stephanus, Alex (from Shaw, James).so
13-15Point CBU - (Vega, Gabriel) Kill by Rocky DeLyon (from Zachary Melcher).so
13-16Point STAN - (Rocky DeLyon) Kill by Kaminski, Conrad (from Shaw, James).so
13-17Point STAN - (Stephanus, Alex) Attack error by Cody Jackson (block by Kaminski, Conrad; Ewert, Jordan).
Timeout Cal Baptist.
For CBU: Roy Powell.
13-18Point STAN - (Stephanus, Alex) Kill by Shaw, James.
14-18Point CBU - (Stephanus, Alex) Service
For CBU: Jackson Burge.
14-19Point STAN - (Jackson Burge) Kill by Kaminski, Conrad (from Shaw, James).so
For STAN: Dagostino, Kyle.
For CBU: Caleb Miller.
14-20Point STAN - (Dagostino, Kyle) Kill by Shaw, James.
15-20Point CBU - (Dagostino, Kyle) Attack error by Dagostino, Kyle (block by Enrique Garcia; Cody Jackson).so
15-21Point STAN - (Cody Jackson) Service
16-21Point CBU - (Shaw, James) Kill by Enrique Garcia (from Zachary Melcher).so
17-21Point CBU - (Roy Powell) Attack error by Rakestraw, Kevin.
18-21Point CBU - (Roy Powell) Attack error by Ewert, Jordan.
18-22Point STAN - (Roy Powell) Service
19-22Point CBU - (Ewert, Jordan) Attack error by Vega, Gabriel (block by Enrique Garcia; Rocky DeLyon).so
For CBU: Luis Palos.
20-22Point CBU - (Luis Palos) Kill by Cody Jackson (from Caleb Miller).
Timeout Stanford.
20-23Point STAN - (Luis Palos) Kill by Stephanus, Alex (from Shaw, James).so
For STAN: Kaminski, Conrad.
For CBU: Enrique Garcia.
20-24Point STAN - (Rakestraw, Kevin) Service ace (Roy Powell).
Timeout Cal Baptist.
21-24Point CBU - (Rakestraw, Kevin) Kill by Rocky DeLyon (from Zachary Melcher).so
For CBU: Kevin Vaz.
21-25Point STAN - (Zachary Melcher) Kill by Vega, Gabriel (from Shaw, James).so

3rd Set

For STAN: Shaw, James; Ewert, Jordan; Vega, Gabriel; Stephanus, Alex; Rakestraw, Kevin; Kaminski, Conrad; libero Enriques, Evan.
For CBU: Roy Powell; Caleb Miller; Rocky DeLyon; Enrique Garcia; Zachary Melcher; Kevin Vaz; libero Emmett Enriques.
1-0Point CBU - (Ewert, Jordan) Kill by Rocky DeLyon (from Zachary Melcher).so
1-1Point STAN - (Caleb Miller) Kill by Vega, Gabriel (from Shaw, James).so
1-2Point STAN - (Rakestraw, Kevin) Kill by Stephanus, Alex (from Kaminski, Conrad), block error by Kevin Vaz.
2-2Point CBU - (Rakestraw, Kevin) Kill by Roy Powell (from Zachary Melcher).so
3-2Point CBU - (Kevin Vaz) Attack error by Stephanus, Alex.
3-3Point STAN - (Kevin Vaz) Service
4-3Point CBU - (Vega, Gabriel) Kill by Rocky DeLyon (from Zachary Melcher).so
4-4Point STAN - (Roy Powell) Kill by Kaminski, Conrad (from Shaw, James).so
5-4Point CBU - (Stephanus, Alex) Kill by Enrique Garcia (from Zachary Melcher).so
5-5Point STAN - (Enrique Garcia) Kill by Ewert, Jordan (from Shaw, James).so
5-6Point STAN - (Kaminski, Conrad) Kill by Shaw, James.
5-7Point STAN - (Kaminski, Conrad) Attack error by Roy Powell.
5-8Point STAN - (Kaminski, Conrad) Kill by Vega, Gabriel (from Shaw, James).
6-8Point CBU - (Kaminski, Conrad) Kill by Kevin Vaz (from Zachary Melcher).so
7-8Point CBU - (Zachary Melcher) Kill by Caleb Miller (from Roy Powell).
7-9Point STAN - (Zachary Melcher) Kill by Shaw,
7-10Point STAN - (Shaw, James) Kill by Rakestraw, Kevin (from Shaw, James).
8-10Point CBU - (Shaw, James) Service
8-11Point STAN - (Rocky DeLyon) Kill by Stephanus, Alex (from Shaw, James).so
9-11Point CBU - (Ewert, Jordan) Kill by Caleb
9-12Point STAN - (Caleb Miller) Attack error by Enrique Garcia (block by Rakestraw, Kevin; Stephanus, Alex).so
9-13Point STAN - (Rakestraw, Kevin) Kill by Stephanus, Alex (from Rakestraw, Kevin).
10-13Point CBU - (Rakestraw, Kevin) Kill by Kevin Vaz (from Zachary Melcher).so
10-14Point STAN - (Kevin Vaz) Kill by Ewert, Jordan (from Stephanus, Alex).so
10-15Point STAN - (Vega, Gabriel) Kill by Shaw, James.
Timeout Cal Baptist.
11-15Point CBU - (Vega, Gabriel) Attack error by Vega, Gabriel (block by Roy Powell; Enrique Garcia; Zachary Melcher).so
11-16Point STAN - (Roy Powell) Kill by Shaw, James (from Enriques, Evan).so
12-16Point CBU - (Stephanus, Alex) Kill by Enrique Garcia (from Zachary Melcher).so
13-16Point CBU - (Enrique Garcia) Kill by Roy Powell (from Zachary Melcher).
13-17Point STAN - (Enrique Garcia) Service
For STAN: Dagostino, Kyle.
14-17Point CBU - (Dagostino, Kyle) Attack error by Ewert,
15-17Point CBU - (Zachary Melcher) Kill by Rocky DeLyon (from Zachary Melcher).
15-18Point STAN - (Zachary Melcher) Attack error by Rocky
16-18Point CBU - (Shaw, James) Kill by Caleb Miller (from Zachary Melcher).so
17-18Point CBU - (Rocky DeLyon) Attack error by Vega, Gabriel (block by Kevin Vaz; Caleb Miller).
17-19Point STAN - (Rocky DeLyon) Service
18-19Point CBU - (Ewert, Jordan) Kill by Roy Powell (from Emmett Enriques).so
For CBU: Jackson Burge.
18-20Point STAN - (Jackson Burge) Attack error by Roy Powell (block by Rakestraw, Kevin; Vega, Gabriel).so
For CBU: Caleb Miller.
For STAN: Kaminski, Conrad.
19-20Point CBU - (Rakestraw, Kevin) Kill by Enrique Garcia (from Zachary Melcher).so
For CBU: Cody Jackson.
19-21Point STAN - (Cody Jackson) Kill by Kaminski, Conrad (from Shaw, James).so
19-22Point STAN - (Vega, Gabriel) Attack error by Enrique Garcia (block by Stephanus, Alex; Kaminski, Conrad; Shaw, James).
20-22Point CBU - (Vega, Gabriel) Kill by Roy Powell (from Zachary Melcher).so
20-23Point STAN - (Roy Powell) Kill by Kaminski, Conrad (from Shaw, James).so
20-24Point STAN - (Stephanus, Alex) Attack error by Roy Powell (block by Ewert, Jordan; Kaminski, Conrad; Shaw, James).
21-24Point CBU - (Stephanus, Alex) Kill by Enrique Garcia (from Zachary Melcher).so
For CBU: Luis Palos.
21-25Point STAN - (Luis Palos) Kill by Kaminski, Conrad (from Shaw, James).so