
Softblog: Rain and Finals

Helllloooo loyal Stanford softball fans,

Not the best weather for our home tournament this weekend. We spent a lot of time wrestling with the tarp but we found a way to make it fun. Some of us threw it back to the good old days of childhood slip-n-slides.

We were all safe at home on that last slide.

So we are officially halfway through the season. That’s hard to believe. I thought I would help you guys get to know each player a little better in this blog post. So I asked the team two very important questions …

1. What is your favorite water activity? (I thought it was only fitting to ask this since we spent most of this past weekend in the rain.)

Schabey (Kaitlin Schaberg) enjoys surfing.

You can find Vic (Victoria Molina) “just splashing around.”

Molly loves to body surf the waves (or gets destroyed by them ...)

Bert’s (Lauren Bertoy) favorite water activity is “drinking it.”

CLee (Carolyn Lee) enjoys floating in the water as a break from her tanning.

Whit (Whitney Burks) likes to shred up the waves and wake surf.

Wegs (Lauren Wegner) buys water guns just to squirt them at people. (Don’t be fooled by her sweet looking smile.)

Sav (Savannah Schulz) one-ups us all because she is a licensed scuba diver.

Haley makes practical use of her water activities and enjoys showering the most.

Kait (Kaitlyn Lagattuta) has a need for speed and can be found tearing it up on the jet ski.

Bessie is also a daredevil and gets a thrill out of tubing.

Frosty (Lauren Frost) has invented her own water activity. It’s called “mermaiding.”  You lay in the sand where the waves break and look like a mermaid.

Both Plaza (Jessica Plaza) and Bon (Kayla Bonstrom) enjoy snorkeling and looking at all the cool fish.

Ky (Kylie Sorenson) “I hate water so I’m going to have to say my favorite water activity is watching other people play in it.”

2. What do you do to procrastinate studying during finals week? (Most likely will be happening a lot over the next few days since we are currently in the middle of finals week. #NerdNation)

Schabey channels her inner four year old and colors to avoid studying.

Vic searches every crevice of the interweb and eventually ends up taking random BuzzFeed quizzes to interrupt her psych studies.

Molly watches copious amounts of Netflix.

Bert can be found laughing at Dwight’s dry humor by watching The Office to avoid the not so funny task of studying.

Frosty is a mother’s dream because she resorts to cleaning floors and vacuuming when she should be studying. (Frosty, feel free to stop by my room any time when you need a study break.)

CLee also takes up the cleaning habit when looking for a way to procrastinate.

Whit does her laundry in between her material science and engineering lectures.

Sav finds a way to complete a Sudoku puzzle while watching Netflix. (Quite the multitasker there Sav.)

Haley resorts to stalking people from high school on social media to “check in on how they’re doing.”

Wegs still likes to buy water guns just to squirt them at people instead of studying.

Kait has arguably the best procrastination tactic; baking.

Here is a picture of Kait’s baking skills. She baked me this cake for my birthday last year.

Bess likes to throw it back to 2005 and watch Gilmore Girls.

Ky resorts to Instagram stalking people. (Don’t accidently double-tap Ky.)

Bon takes part in what she calls productive procrastination, “ I think about doing all my work but don’t actually do it.”

And Plaza can be found hanging out with people or eating chocolate when she is avoiding studying.

I hope you enjoyed learning a little more about each one of my crazy teammates. If you couldn’t tell we’re quite the interesting group. Also, I hope you were paying attention to all of their nicknames because I will be quizzing you in next week’s blog (only joking, no one likes tests).

There is no softball this weekend and we will be enjoying some down time as we finish up this quarter and start gearing up for our next home game against Dartmouth on Tuesday March 22.

In the words of Ky … “seeeya!”

- Ardy Pardy