Cardinal Capsule: Casey Jacobsen

Cardinal Capsule: Casey Jacobsen
Courtesy: Stanford Athletics  
Release: 02/26/2002

Feb. 26, 2002

Casey Jacobsen

Sport:Men's Basketball
Position: Guard/Foward
Hometown:Glendora, CA

Stanford's basketball team will be fun to watch this year because: 
Justin Davis and Curtis Borchardt will finally be healthy 

For me to improve as a player I need to: 
play like coach Russell Turner 

For me to improve as a person I need to: 
be have a better attitude when things are tough 

The thing I love about sports is: 

My favorite pre-game ritual is: 
playing Tony Hawk Pro Skater on Playstation 

My greatest athletic accomplishment to date was: 
winning a gold medal in 1998 (USA Basketball Men's World Youth Games) 

The biggest thrill in my life so far was: 
scoring 31 runs on Tyler in "RBI Baseball"

The most difficult opposing arena to play in: 
McKale Center (Arizona)

If I could play in any basketball arena in the world, it would be: 
my backyard 

The toughest (college) player I have faced is: 
Jason Williams (Duke)

A friend from another college basketball team is: 
Chris Clark (Westmont College)

The toughest team I have played against is: 

If I could add one team to the schedule it would be: 
St. John's 

The team I am most looking forward to playing this year is: 

If I were selecting a basketball "Dream Team," the first three players I would pick are: 
Vince Carter, Shaquille O'Neal and Steve Kerr

The sports team I followed when I was younger was: 
my brothers' teams 

When I played basketball as a kid, I pretended to be: 
Larry Bird 

The athletes I most admire are: 
Ray Allen

My favorite NBA team: 
Los Angeles Lakers (featuring Mark Madsen - and some other guys!)

The current or former Stanford athlete I most enjoy watching is: 
John Lynch (Tampa Bay Buccaneers)

Since coming to Stanford I have learned: 
there is never enough time 

My favorite class is: 
any class but calculus

The best place on campus is: 
Jimmy V's Sports Cafe 

The best book I have ever read is: 
Silent Witness 

My favorite food is: 
bagel dogs 

My least favorite food is: 

If I had to cook all of my own meals, I would probably survive on: 
fried egg sandwiches 

My favorite midnight snack is: 
a cookie dough milkshake 

My favorite musical groups are: 

My favorite movie is: 

My favorite TV show is: 
"Inside Schwartz"

My favorite actress is: 
Denise Richards

My favorite actor are: 
Anthony Hopkins

If I were not playing college basketball, I would be: 

My favorite sport other than basketball is: 

After my Stanford career is over, I'd like to be remembered as: 
someone who made a positive difference 

My parents were right when they told me: 
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take 

The person who has had the greatest influence on my life: 
my whole family 

If I could invite any three people in history to dinner, they would be: 
Katie Holmes, Faith Hill and Bob Blunt 

Something people would be surprised to know about me: 
I can't wait until I can get a pet bulldog someday 

A place I've never been that I would love to go is: 

The best place I have ever been is: 
Newport Beach, CA 

My most prized possession: 
my hat collection (obviously, I don't really have that many possessions) 

If I won $1 million, I would: 
give it to Mark Madsen to invest for me 

What are you most thankful for in life: 
loyal friends and family 

I'd like to switch places for a day with: 
the President of the NCAA 

Ten years from now I hope to be: 
watching a movie in my sweet home theater 

My advice to youngsters: 
don't listen to the critics