cumulative season stats


Cumulative Season Statistics

Overall Team Statistics

             Stanford Overall Team Statistics (as of Apr 28, 2012)
                                  All matches

     Overall record: 22-7  Conf: 17-5  Home: 12-3  Away: 10-2  Neutral: 0-2

TEAM STATISTICS                        STAN          OPP
  Kills.......................         1586         1427
  Errors......................          513          532
  Total Attacks...............         3173         3205
  Attack Pct..................         .338         .279
  Kills/Set...................         14.0         12.6
  Assists.....................         1502         1343
  Attempts....................         3068         3105
  Assist Pct..................         .490         .433
  Assists/Set.................         13.3         11.9
  Aces........................          126           70
  Errors......................          343          364
  Attempts....................         2609         2385
  Serve Pct...................         .869         .847
  Aces/Set....................          1.1          0.6
SERVE RECEPTIONS..............
  Errors......................           70          126
  Errors/Set..................          0.6          1.1
  Attempts....................         2021         2263
  Reception Pct...............         .965         .944
  Digs........................         1065          895
  Digs/Set....................          9.4          7.9
  Block Solo..................           61           38
  Block Assist................          402          492
  Total Blocks................        262.0        284.0
  Blocks/Set..................          2.3          2.5
  Block Errors................           42           46
Ball handling errors..........            5           10
  Total.......................        12390        16475
  Dates/Avg Per Date..........       15/826      12/1373
  Neutral site #/Avg..........        2/575
  Current win streak..........            0            -
  Home win streak.............            7            -

MATCH WINS BY #SETS     1    2    3    4    5   Total
Stanford............    0    0    8   10    4 -    22
Opponents...........    0    0    1    4    2 -     7

SETS WON BY SET         1    2    3    4    5   Total
Stanford............   23   17   18   12    4 -    74
Opponents...........    6   12   11    8    2 -    39

POINTS BY SET           1    2    3    4    5   Total
Stanford............  722  677  676  464   89 -  2628
Opponents...........  619  606  624  435   83 -  2367

Overall Individual Statistics

          Stanford Overall Individual Statistics (as of Apr 28, 2012)
                                  All matches

     Overall record: 22-7  Conf: 17-5  Home: 12-3  Away: 10-2  Neutral: 0-2

                                  |-----------ATTACK---------| |---------SET---------| |----------SERVE-----------|
## Name                  SP-MP-MS    K  K/Set    E   TA    Pct    A  A/Set   TA    Pct   SA   SA/S   SE   TA    Pct
9  Brad Lawson          110 29-29  451   4.10  140  951   .327   26   0.24   69   .377   41   0.37   89  459   .806
5  Brian Cook           105 28-26  367   3.50  128  777   .308   12   0.11   53   .226   10   0.10   66  343   .808
12 Steven Irvin         109 29-29  324   2.97  148  654   .269   19   0.17   90   .211   24   0.22   57  404   .859
13 Eric Mochalski       109 29-27  215   1.97   45  368   .462   15   0.14   46   .326   30   0.28   64  411   .844
3  Gus Ellis             99 27-25  102   1.03   18  180   .467    6   0.06   38   .158    3   0.03    4  249   .984
7  Denny Falls           31 11-8    48   1.55   11   87   .425    2   0.06    9   .222    0   0.00    6   87   .931
10 Evan Barry           111 29-29   40   0.36    7   76   .434 1336  12.04 2537   .527    5   0.05   15  372   .960
2  Jake Kneller         105 28-0    15   0.14    6   36   .250    2   0.02    5   .400   10   0.10   24  163   .853
11 Daniel Tublin         12  9-0    15   1.25    6   29   .310    1   0.08    3   .333    0   0.00    9   15   .400
4  Charley Henrikson      5  3-1     4   0.80    0    6   .667    0   0.00    0   .000    0   0.00    1    4   .750
20 Jake Vandermeer        1  1-0     4   4.00    3    7   .143    0   0.00    0   .000    0   0.00    3    3   .000
17 Dylan Kordic           6  3-0     1   0.17    1    2   .000   27   4.50   35   .771    0   0.00    1   16   .938
1  Erik Shoji           113 29-0     0   0.00    0    0   .000   52   0.46  177   .294    0   0.00    0    2  1.000
16 Scott Sakaida         43 13-0     0   0.00    0    0   .000    4   0.09    6   .667    2   0.05    3   76   .961
6  Grant Delgado          5  2-0     0   0.00    0    0   .000    0   0.00    0   .000    1   0.20    1    5   .800
   STANFORD............ 113 29-29 1586  14.04  513 3173   .338 1502  13.29 3068   .490  126   1.12  343 2609   .869
   Opponents........... 113 29-29 1427  12.63  532 3205   .279 1343  11.88 3105   .433   70   0.62  364 2385   .847

                            |----RECEPT----| |---DIG---| |--------BLOCKING---------|
## Name                   S   RE   TA    Pct  DIG  Dig/S   BS   BA Total  Blk/S   BE BHE POINTS Pts/S
9  Brad Lawson          110   17  597   .972  149   1.35    8   49    57   0.52    3   1  524.5   4.77
5  Brian Cook           105    5   73   .932  164   1.56    6   62    68   0.65    8   0  414.0   3.94
12 Steven Irvin         109   26  683   .962  155   1.42    7   39    46   0.42    8   0  374.5   3.44
13 Eric Mochalski       109    2   14   .857   59   0.54   14   86   100   0.92    7   0  302.0   2.77
3  Gus Ellis             99    0    1  1.000   26   0.26   15   86   101   1.02    8   0  163.0   1.65
7  Denny Falls           31    0    0   .000    6   0.19    0   23    23   0.74    2   0   59.5   1.92
10 Evan Barry           111    0    4  1.000  172   1.55   11   51    62   0.56    4   4   81.5   0.73
2  Jake Kneller         105    0    2  1.000   14   0.13    0    1     1   0.01    0   0   25.5   0.24
11 Daniel Tublin         12    1   15   .933    4   0.33    0    3     3   0.25    1   0   16.5   1.38
20 Jake Vandermeer        1    1    6   .833    0   0.00    0    0     0   0.00    0   0    4.0   4.00
4  Charley Henrikson      5    0    0   .000    2   0.40    0    2     2   0.40    1   0    5.0   1.00
17 Dylan Kordic           6    0    0   .000    4   0.67    0    0     0   0.00    0   0    1.0   0.17
6  Grant Delgado          5    0    0   .000    0   0.00    0    0     0   0.00    0   0    1.0   0.20
16 Scott Sakaida         43    1    2   .500    6   0.14    0    0     0   0.00    0   0    2.0   0.05
1  Erik Shoji           113   12  616   .981  304   2.69    0    0     0   0.00    0   0    0.0   0.00
   TEAM                        5
   STANFORD............ 113   70 2021   .965 1065   9.42   61  402 262.0   2.32   42   5 1974.0  17.47
   Opponents........... 113  126 2263   .944  895   7.92   38  492 284.0   2.51   46  10 1781.0  15.76