
Welcome to the Farm: Teaghan Cowles

Lead Image: Teaghan Cowles (second from right) with teammates at a Stanford event.

Each week, will introduce one member of the Stanford softball freshman class. This week's student-athlete is Teaghan Cowles.

***Where is your favorite place on campus to hang out?
Green Library or the AARC (Athlete Academic Resource Center).

What has been the hardest thing to adjust to at Stanford?
The biking and constant movement between places.

Sometimes biking gets the best of Teaghan ...


What was your favorite TV show growing up and why?
The Daily Show. It was something my parents and I would watch and talk about together.

What was your first reaction to the Stanford Band?
"Holy cow."

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
Exploring more of campus and discovering cool new places.

What's the "nerdiest" thing you've ever done?
I've written papers on Star Trek and its relation to foreign policy of its day.

What's your No. 1 phobia?

What do you hope to get out of your Stanford experience?
Everything I possibly can.
What are the upper classmen saying about Teaghan's transition to the Farm so far?
"Teaghan is a girl you're glad is on your team instead of your opponents' team. She plays the game the way it is supposed to be played, showing passion and effort in everything she does. Her "go-get-it" mentality is something that is contagious throughout the team and has had a real positive impact thus far." - Arden Pettit, junior catcher/infielder.