
Photo: Chris Ray


Big Sail Goes to Stanford

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SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – Stanford wrapped up its Fall schedule on Tuesday, capturing its 12th consecutive Big Sail at St. Francis Yacht Club.

Junior Luke Muller and seniors Maeve White, Lauren Block, Quinn Vangelos and J.P. Cannistraro clinched the regatta for the Cardinal, claiming the final race to win the varsity division, 2-1, and the overall competition, 3-1.

Cal won the first point of the day, winning the masters division (40+ years old) by a score of 2-0 in the best-of-three format. Al Sargent ('91), Rolf Kaiser ('95), Dave Lyons ('90, '01) and Peter Philips ('81) represented the Cardinal in the masters division.

Alan Andrews ('77), Kim Desenberg ('69), Keith Milne ('76, '79) and Joe McCoy ('78) struck back with a 2-0 win in the grand masters division (60+).

In the alumni division (under 40), Stanford needed three races to win the point, leaving it to the varsity sailors to clinch the regatta. Kevin Laube ('14), Antoine Screve ('16), Yuri Namikawa ('14) and Eliza RIchardz ('13) sailed for Stanford in the alumni division.

Stanford wrapped up its Fall competition schedule this past weekend with a one-two finish at the Fall PCCSC Coed Championships in Santa Barbara, California. The Cardinal's spring schedule is yet to be determined and will be released in December.