
Welcome to the Farm: Nikki Bauer

Each week, will introduce one member of the Stanford softball freshman class. This week's student-athlete is Nikki Bauer.

Where is your favorite place on campus to hang out?
The softball clubhouse.
What has been the hardest thing to adjust to at Stanford?
Not having personal space all the time.
What was your favorite TV show growing up and why?
Spongebob. Its so dumb that it's funny.
What was your first reaction to the Stanford Band?
They're crazy!

Nikki Bauer (second from left) enjoying the freshman watch party during a Stanford football away game.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? 
Napping and eating.
What's the "nerdiest" thing you've ever done?
Participate in many Harry Potter marathons.
What's your No. 1 phobia?
What do you hope to get out of your Stanford experience?
Meet amazing people and get a good education.
What are the upperclassmen saying about Nikki's transition to the Farm so far?
"Nikki leads by example. Whenever we need something done, I can look up and see Nikki doing it. She's going to bring such a calm, collected presence to the field this year!" - Lauren Wegner, junior infielder.