Women's Gymnastics

In Their Own Words

STANFORD, Calif. – Friday's meet against No. 10 Oregon State at 6 p.m. (PT) in Maples Pavilion will be the final regular season meet for Stanford's four seniors.

The quartet of Rachel Daum, Danielle McNair, Nicolette McNair and Haley Spector have each made contributions to the program throughout their four years. They have excelled in practice, in the classroom and on the competition floor.

The group has helped Stanford reach the NCAA Championships in each of their first three seasons, including a 2015 Super Six appearance during their sophomore season.

The seniors took time to reflect on their time at Stanford and discuss their plans moving forward.

Rachel Daum
» All-Around
» Human Biology
» Katy, TexasWhat have you enjoyed most about your time as a member of SWG?
What I have most enjoyed is being able to continue to do the sport I love while also getting a world-class education. I don't think you can really do that at anywhere other than Stanford, and for that I am incredibly grateful. Also, the memories and friendships that have been created by striving toward a mutual goal is a really unique and special experience.
Describe a moment with the team that is particularly special to you.
Making Super Six my sophomore year. I was injured at the time, so I actually didn't get to compete, but the joy and sense of accomplishment radiating from my teammates made the experience really special.
What have you enjoyed most about your teammates?
I love having a group of girls with whom I can share this crazy ride. I feel like I can tell them anything and really be myself around them, and part of that is because of all the experiences we have shared with each other. They also push me to be my very best every day in the gym.
What to you hope to accomplish the remainder of this season?
As a team, we definitely want to qualify for nationals. Personally, I want to perform to the best of my ability. But most of all, have fun and enjoy the rest of my time with the team and sport.
What message would you give to anyone who has helped or impacted your career to help get you to this point?
My mom's love and support has had a huge impact on my entire career. I think she often wonders if all the hard times and injuries growing up in gymnastics were worth it. I want to tell her that "yes, it was worth it, and it always will be."

Without gymnastics I wouldn't be at Stanford, and my four years here will set me up for the rest of my life. Thank you for everything you have done for me.
What are your plans after graduation?
I plan to go to medical school within the next two years. I'm not exactly sure yet what I am going to be doing in the next year, though. I am in the process right now of applying for a lot of different jobs and opportunities. This summer I am traveling to Mexico through a Stanford program, where I will be working in the local health clinics. 

Danielle McNair
» All-Around
» Human Biology
» Trabuco Canyon, Calif.What have you enjoyed most about your time as a member of SWG?
I've enjoyed becoming close with my teammates and being able to share this incredible experience with them. I've loved having a family and a home where I can be surrounded by those who care about each other and understand the demands and commitments of being a student-athlete at Stanford. And being around others who can truly appreciate the little successes in life, because those are the ones that matter. 
Describe a moment with the team that is particularly special to you.
One of the most memorable experiences I look back on from this year was organizing and participating in an event with the California School for the Blind. Our team got to teach the students how to do gymnastics as well as spend time talking with them. Seeing how excited, happy and determined they were to learn things that were completely foreign to them and out of their comfort zone was one of the most inspiring and incredible experiences.

The team had so much fun and the students were in awe of everything we did. One of my favorite moments was when Haley did a beam routine for the kids while everyone else sat on the floor feeling the vibrations. Everyone cheered Haley on with excitement and was an incredibly special moment for everyone there. 
What have you enjoyed most about your teammates?
I love my teammates and I am very grateful for their friendship. There is nothing better than having a group of people who know you so well, there is nothing that makes gymnastics and school more enjoyable and meaningful.

My teammates are the reasons why I love what I do. They keep me going and bring a smile to my face every single day. I wouldn't be here without them and I can't thank them enough for making me feel at home. 
What do you hope to accomplish the remainder of this season?
I hope to continue growing as a team and improving with every coming competition so that by the end of the season, we have accomplished what we set out to do. I know this team has great potential and I can't wait to see our hard work pay off.

I want to continue contributing on all four events while improving on the details and getting better each week. I also want to be able to instill confidence in my team and support them in everything they do. 
What message would you give to anyone who has helped or impacted your career to help get you to this point?
I am so grateful for my family's support over the years, they have always been right there to love and support me no matter what and I wouldn't have been able to have this incredible career without them. I couldn't have done it without my sister Lauren, tagging along to every competition Nikki and I had in club and being our biggest cheerleader.

I would have never made it to collegiate gymnastics without my club coaches, they encouraged me every step of the way and always believed in me. They helped me realize what I was capable of.

And to all my teammates, every one of you have allowed me to feel comfortable being myself and have made a lasting impact on me. You all bring a smile to my face everyday and know just how to cheer me up when I need it most. I have you to thank for helping me be the person I am today and I am going to miss all of you.

And to our athletic trainer, Sarah, without you, the pieces would not be stuck together in the right place and I would never have made it past the first year. 
I want to say without every single one of those who have supported me along the way, I don't know where I would be, but I wouldn't have made it to where I am today. Thank you for sticking with me on this journey and being the reason for my success. I love you. 
What are your plans after graduation?
It is still undecided what I will be doing after graduation but I plan on applying to post-bachelor programs to prepare for medical school. 

Nicolette McNair
» Bars, Beam, Floor
» Human Biology
» Trabuco Canyon, Calif.What have you enjoyed most about your time as a member of SWG?
I love the challenge that Stanford has been able to offer me both in academics and athletics, but it wouldn't have been worthwhile unless I had my teammates by my side. They are the ones who have made these last four years so meaningful.

I was blessed to come in as a freshman with five other incredible girls who are now my best friends, and everyday I get to experience the challenges and joys of being a student athlete alongside some of the most caring and inspiring teammates.

Additionally, coming into college I never imagined I would have the opportunity to connect with so many of the alumni I have become closer to over the last two years. They have supported me through not only gymnastics but they guided me through academics and helped me figure out what I want my future to look like. 

Describe a moment with the team that is particularly special to you.
There are two moments with the team that are particularly special to me. The first moment was when we beat UCLA in Los Angeles last year. UCLA has always been one of our biggest rivals and it had been a long time since Stanford beat UCLA at their home. Seeing the team come together with so much fire and determination and rocking the old black backless leos is an experience I will never forget.

The second moment that sticks out to me was at the beginning of this year when the coaches had the team put on a fashion show. Each freshman had a group that designed their outfit for them and it could only consist of things that could be bought at a grocery store within our $20 limit. It was pretty early on in the September, but everyone on the team was comfortable and not afraid to show their personality. It was easy to enjoy our time together and it brought me so much joy to be a part of a team that loved one another. 

What have you enjoyed most about your teammates?
My teammates are some of the strongest people I know. They have kept me inspired in the gym with their passion and in academics with their eagerness to learn. They know how to make me laugh when I need it the most and I know I can always count on them for support.

I have so much to be grateful for when it comes to my teammates, so thank you for everything you have done for me and taught me over the last four years.  

What do you hope to accomplish the remainder of this season?
For the remainder of this season I hope that as a team we can show off the gymnastics we are all capable of doing. We are a small group, but we are a strong group full of heart and drive that is going to get us to where we want to be at the end of the year. 

What message would you give to anyone who has helped or impacted your career to help get you to this point?
I have a lot of people to thank for getting me to where I am today. All my relatives for their endless love and my parents: words don't do enough in acknowledging everything they have done for me over the last 22 years.

My mom has been my biggest supporter and has made it her mission to come to every meet this year. My Dad is my "Jack Bauer." He knows how to keep me going and has taught me how to bounce back from adversity with courage and strength. My siblings for loving me not only because they have too.

My coaches who have pushed me beyond my limits because they always knew I had more to show, and to Sarah who is the best athletic trainer in the nation. And finally my teammates and friends who bring meaning and laughter to my life, thank you. I love you all. 

What are your plans after graduation?
After graduation I plan on finishing up pre-med classes and working before applying to medical school. I have joked about going to live with my younger sister wherever she goes off to college, or in Reno with Haley, but at this point it's no longer a joke. I'll most likely be moving in with one of them.

I also plan on traveling and enjoying time doing the things I haven't been able to do because of gymnastics.

Haley Spector
» Beam, Floor
» Human Biology
» Reno, Nev.What have you enjoyed most about your time as a member of SWG?
The best part of my time on SWG has been all the memories I've made with teammates over the years – good times, bad times, in and out of the gym. We've had some times I'll never forget. I love being able to look back on it all and look forward to more experiences we'll share even after we graduate.
Describe a moment with the team that is particularly special to you.
One moment that was particularly special to me was our end of season banquet sophomore year. We had just finished competing in Super Six and we were still in Texas. Everyone was so excited about being able to compete against the top teams in the nation. It felt great to have all of our hard work culminate in such a fun end of the season.
What have you enjoyed most about your teammates?
What I've enjoyed most about my teammates is their sense of humor. I love that each one of them has a unique idea of what they think is funny. They keep me laughing. My teammates are also great because they put up with my music in the gym and they don't get mad at me when I epically fail at parallel parking.
What do you hope to accomplish the remainder of this season?
My biggest goal for the remainder of this season is to see this team reach their full potential, and I want to contribute to this in any way I can.  We've worked really hard and I would love for this team to accomplish the goals we set for ourselves. 
What message would you give anyone who has helped or impacted your career to get to this point?
I wouldn't be where I am today without every person who helped along the way. I'm so grateful for all the friends, coaches and family that have helped me on my way to this point – I couldn't have walked this path alone.
What are your plans after graduation?
Great question! I'm going to move back home for a bit and prepare to apply to medical school. I don't have any major plans set in stone, but I'd like to work and spend time with family and possibly road trip around the U.S.