
Softblog Returns

A Stanford softball student-athlete has written a weekly blog in each of the past three seasons to provide fans a behind-the-scenes perspective of the team. This year, sophomore Lauren Frost is taking over the Softblog to chronicle the team's adventures throughout the season. Her first entry this year is below.

***Hello, hello! Welcome to the 2017 Softblog!

I'm stoked to have the honor of updating you on everything fun and behind the scenes with our team and I can't wait for an exciting year. It's hard to believe our season starts in just a few days but we're all more than ready to hit the road.

Since I'll be on this exciting journey with you every step of the way let me first tell you a little bit about myself.
My name is Lauren Frost, but rarely will you ever hear "Lauren" on the field. With three Laurens on our team we've all picked up nicknames that save us from the confusion that comes with the use of the six-letter "L-word".

Instead, you'll often hear me referred to as Frost, Frosty, Frosty Nicole Frost, Frost Sauce, or even a new one, Frost McGost (a personal favorite).

Though an infielder last year I'm spending my time roaming the outfield this year and I'm loving every second of it. When I'm not enjoying my time on the Farm I reside in the beautiful state of Alaska in my hometown of Eagle River, and I must say, I'm quite obsessed with the place. In my free time I enjoy naps, Nerf guns, playing with puppies (see the happiest moment of my life below), frisbee golfing, and of course anything outdoors!

I'm also a huge Texas Rangers fan, a proud drummer in the Stanford Band, and a mechanical engineering major. But enough about me, on to the team!

This year has been extra exciting for us as we've welcomed NINE new freshman to our family! In such a short period of time they have not only made a huge impact on the field but have fit right into what we like to call our, one could say, "unconventional" team personality. They've added so much to our team already and we can't wait to see them in action in just a few days.
It's been a long five months leading up to the start of the season but we've already made a ton of memories along the way. Here are some of our favorites.
The Program
One of our most exciting preseason adventures came just a few weeks ago when we participated in "The Program." Over the span of two days we fell under the command of a couple of Navy SEALS who showed us the true meaning of what it means to be a team.

We ran, swam, trekked, treaded, and carried one another (literally) over the course of two days and grew closer together than ever before. It truly was an experience that changed us for the better and a memory that will last us a lifetime.


Position Appreciation
With the season starting in just a few days we wanted to show some love to our fellow teammates by experiencing life in their shoes (or cleats if you prefer).

Our pitchers became catchers, our outies made their way to the infield and vice versa, and our catchers along with a few others got to show their skills in the circle.

While some excelled, I think it's safe to say we're all playing right where we belong and should maybe stick to what we know best for the time being. Here are some of the "highlights."
I personally took the opportunity to show the coaches my versatility on the field and maybe earn a spot in the rotation. As a baseball player by trade, though, I found out quickly I don't quite have what it takes to make the cut this year.

This dream may have to be put on hold for awhile (or forever). You have my utmost respect, pitchers!

The real stars of the show were the pitchers who showed us how it's done behind the plate. Not only did they rock the gear but they proved to have some impressive pop-times as well!


Not only did we have fun on the field but we've had loads of fun off the field!

Here we all are in our everyday attire!

Here's a few of us casually enjoying one another's presence in a moving cart going at reasonable speeds.

And here's a few teammates after they got shrunken down and sat in a normal-sized chair.
Needless to say we've all had a blast in the months leading up to the season but when one door closes another one opens and it's finally time for us to showcase all of our hard work. It'll be an exciting journey and I can't wait to keep you updated along the way! Thanks for all the love and support and we'll see you in Arizona for the Kajikawa Classic!

Farewell preseason, it's been real. We're on to bigger and better things!
Until next time,