John Todd/ISI Photos
Women's Volleyball

Getting to Know Tami Alade

STANFORD, Calif. - Junior middle blocker Tami Alade has started all 11 matches for the Cardinal this season. The Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada native ranks sixth in the Pac-12 with 1.39 blocks per set in 2017. Get to know more about the human biology major.

Nickname: Tim-tam slam, Baba, Timmy, Tamtam

I'm afraid of... My biggest fear is deep ocean waters, but what comes in a close second is retirement (the idea of having no responsibilities really worries me.)

Sports hero? Inky Ajanaku

Favorite superhero? The Hulk

Favorite pizza topping? Pepperoni

The perfect meal includes... ice cream sandwiches AND apple pie for dessert

Describe your hometown... Sherwood Park currently has the world record for being the largest hamlet in the world (smaller than a town, bigger than a village). Everyone is super friendly and you grow up with a lot of the same kids, so you really get to know people well.

Favorite TV show? The Office

I spent my summer... Working in a research lab studying language development in children

What I miss most about Canada is... the snow! Whenever December rolls around here in California, it never really feels like Christmas because the snow is missing.

Favorite class you've taken at Stanford? The Art of Medical Observation. This was a really cool class where we got to study art at the Cantor Museum, and then use those observational to examine medical scans such as x-rays, and MRIs.

After college I want to... pursue another degree in public policy, and then hopefully go to medical school. I also think spending a couple of years traveling the world and exploring new places would be amazing!

Favorite place you have traveled? Paris

Favorite flavor ice cream? Vanilla

Would you rather live for a week in the past or the future? The past. There are so many embarrassing moments that I wish I had the opportunity to go back and fix... The biggest problem for me would be deciding which embarrassing moment to go back and redo.

Favorite holiday? Christmas!

Least favorite food? Kale

Dream job? Pediatrician

Cake or pie? Pie (apple is my favorite!!)

Favorite movie? The Avengers

Snapchat or Instagram? Instagram

What advice do you have for the freshmen? Don't be afraid to take advantage of the many opportunities Stanford has to offer. My freshman year, I felt super overwhelmed and under qualified compared to my extremely talented classmates, but, I was quickly surprised at how many opportunities I was able to take hold of by simply putting myself out there and applying!

Can't leave the house without... I think shoes are pretty important to have whenever you leave the house.

Favorite Halloween costume? I'm the absolute worst when it comes to Halloween costumes, and so one year I went as a quarterback, and taped a literal quarter to my back.

Favorite family tradition? The night before Christmas my family and I get a bunch of blankets and mattresses and put them all in the living room. We then read The Night Before Christmas, and stay up as late as we can watching Christmas movies and making gingerbread houses. It's like one big family sleepover!

If you could trade places with another Stanford student-athlete, who would it be? Simone Manuel

If you could play another sport at Stanford, what would it be? Football