
Student-Athlete: Trent Irwin

Trenton Irwin, the student …
What is your major?
"My major is science, technology, and society, with the focus on nature and the environment. I like being outdoors, I like fishing, I like hiking. I got into a global warming class that interested me, so I figured, global warming can go a lot of directions -- sustainability, energy. I didn't know where I wanted to go and STS allowed me to explore courses, rather than being narrowed down."
What has been your favorite class?
"I had an interesting class last quarter. It was ENGR 131, Ethical Issues in Engineering. It talked a lot about the fundamental ethical responsibilities of engineers, risk analysis, whistleblowing, the responsibilities of the company against the consumer. I found that class interesting."
What is the most interesting paper you've ever written?
"From my STS 190, Issues in Technology and the Environment, I wrote a paper on how people evaluate risk. I had some fun with that, how people evaluate risk from the 1920s compared to now."
What advice would you give young people who want to excel academically and athletically?
"Have good habits about how much work you put in, and how diligent you are in that work. In whatever you're strong in and believe in, do that 24/7 or however much is needed, and make no excuses if it doesn't work. It's all about creating great habits."
Trenton Irwin, the athlete …
How do you establish yourself as a go-to receiver?
"I'm a strong believer in, there's always something to work on, whether you're a professional or in the Hall of Fame. I want to work on going up for the ball better. I want to work on go routes in general."
What is the key to being a good pass-catcher?
"For catching the ball, the biggest thing is putting yourself in situations that will happen in the game. That may be drills where the ball's getting tipped or someone's flashing in front of you. Repetition is vital. I love to go out there on the Jugs machine and catch a couple of hundred balls. The biggest thing is the quarterback-receiver connection. Just being on the same page with whoever's over there. He knows what I'm doing, I know what he's doing."
Can you describe your collection of vintage jerseys?
"They're mostly football. I counted them once, I might be a little over now, but I think I had 120 at one time. Some are starting to get small. My first was a Deion Sanders reversible. White and blue. I thought that was the coolest thing. I have a Joe Horn that's signed. I have a John Elway high school jersey, from Granada Hills, which is near where I'm from. Megatron's pretty cool. Barry Sanders. I love them all."