
On Deck: Austin Weiermiller

Q: If you were stranded on an island with three things, what would they be?
: I would probably take matches and a spear for practical purposes, and then my golf clubs so I can perfect my sand game. 
Q: What is one of the biggest superstitions on the team?
: On the days he pitches, Kris Bubic prefers that no one talks to him…stay away.
Q: Best gift you've ever received?
: When I was three years old, I got a motorized jeep that I would drive around all day – that was BIG for me.

Q: Would you rather always be in hot or cold weather?
: I would say heat. I grew up in Georgia and it's something I'm just used to at this point.
Q: Would you rather own your own boat or your own plane?
: Definitely a boat. I love being out on the water, and I could fish whenever I want to.
Q: What is your favorite holiday?
: Probably…Nick Bellafronto's birthday.