Beach Volleyball

BeachBlog: Part 2

Hey, Stanford Fans!
Sorry for the delayed posting…it's been a busy two weeks on The Farm! After four tough road matches in Hawaii, it was great to be back and play on our home courts for the Stanford Bay Area Kickoff. In a bit of a change from Hawai'i, we were greeted by some nice rain for our first weekend at home.
    We joked that Courtney and Kate seemed to bring the rain—the sun would disappear as soon as they started warming up for their match, and the rain would be in full force by the time their match began. Courtney and Kate also seemed to have a knack for taking their matches to three sets. On the first day of the tournament, they were in a tight third set against USF. It was the last match of the day, and our team was on the sideline cheering for them as usual, but as soon as Mr. Brightside began blasting through the speakers, we were all singing and dancing on the sideline. Courtney and Kate called a time out, and after they talked strategy with our coaches, the rest of our team ended up forming a circle around them during which we jumped around and screamed the lyrics in each other's faces. We wanted Courtney and Kate included on the fun, and we also wanted them to stay loose.

The Saturday of opening weekend was also my senior day. One of the perks of being the only senior on the team is being able to choose the date that works best for my family and me. Since Saturday's matches were the only games that most of my family could make, we decided to do senior day earlier in the season so that the majority of my family could be there. I didn't think I would be that emotional during the ceremony since it was only our first weekend of home matches and I knew that we still had the bulk of our season ahead of us. But, as soon as the ceremony began and I looked out at all my teammates holding red roses, my coaches with leis, and my family decked from head to toe in Stanford gear, the tears began to flow.
I became so overwhelmed with love and gratitude for this team, this program, and the opportunity to play for Stanford. The ceremony was beautiful and incredibly sweet, and I am so grateful to my family and my team for making it so special and making me feel so loved.

My Stanford experience has been better than I could've ever possibly imagined, and a huge part of it has been my time as a Stanford student-athlete. I have met the most incredible people through athletics, I've been pushed beyond my limits and challenged to become the best possible version of myself both on and off the court, and I am confident that the lessons that I have learned as a student-athlete here will be invaluable to me in the next chapter of my life.
Overall, it was a successful first weekend at home. Not only did we post four decisive wins over some solid Bay Area teams, but each member of our team was extremely flexible and adaptable. We had a few lineup switches over that first weekend, and it was great to see a lot of different people step up and perform in new roles for the betterment of our team as a whole.
We played the following Wednesday against San Jose State, winning the match 3-2. SJSU is always a gritty, energetic team. Not only did they out-cheer us with their phenomenal display of team support, but they also competed hard against us on the court. However, it was a welcomed challenge, because it helped our team refocus and reset before our weekend matches.
The Stanford Invitational was filled with some great competition. We approached each match with an aggressive mindset, and I thought we did a great job of taking care of business and coming away with four more wins against some talented programs. Again, it was a true team effort. One of the greatest things about college beach volleyball is the support you get from your teammates. It feels great to have your teammates out there cheering for you, and it can really elevate your energy and your level of play beyond what you can do for yourself. It also gives you something greater than yourself to play for. There were several times throughout the weekend that certain people on our team weren't feeling  at their best, but as our coach Lauren said, sometimes you need to fake it till you make it.

Sometimes, mustering up some extra energy and a smile is all it takes for that mindset to become real. It's impossible to feel 100% all the time, but attitude and effort are always within your control.
This team is full of a bunch of wacky, goofy weirdos, and although some coaches would demand seriousness from their players at all times, I think our coaches are very understanding of each individual's personality and approach to the game. We all play best when we're playing loose and having fun, and we each have different ways of getting there. Sometimes we like to get hyped up by blasting music through the locker room after our pre-match meeting.
Other times, we just need to goof off to laugh away some of the pre-game nerves .
Sometimes, we need to take a nap and listen to some chill music in between matches. But more often than not, the best way for us to stay loose and within the playful mindset is to dance.   


Since the weekend was filled with long days of competition, we spent Monday doing some restorative yoga and meditation at Windhover, which is the contemplative center on campus.
Not only was it a nice recovery day, but it was also just what we needed to kick off Dead Week. Dead Week at Stanford is the last week of classes during the quarter, so we all have our final papers and assignments due this week. Next week is finals week, so we will be taking this weekend off of competition to allow for some extra study time.
The first few weeks of season have been an absolute blast. One of the things that makes me so excited for the rest of this season is the overwhelming selflessness of everyone on the team. All of my teammates are so willing to prioritize the team's needs and goals ahead of their own, and I think that this mindset, combined with each person's hard work and relentless attitude, gives our team one of the highest ceilings in the country.