Lyndsay Radnedge/ISIPhotos.com
Men's Tennis

Pacific Coast Doubles Championships

STANFORD, Calif. – Several members of the No. 2 Stanford men's tennis team will compete in the Pacific Coast Doubles Championship this weekend at the La Jolla Beach and Tennis Club.
The Cardinal will field four doubles teams in the event. Juniors Sameer Kumar and Michael Genender, who own a 4-2 record as doubles partners in dual play, will serve as one of Stanford's entries.
Senior David Wilczynski and freshman Timothy Sah, who have also seen a lot of time together with a 7-2 record at No. 3 doubles in dual action, will compete together.
Senior Tom Fawcett will team with sophomore William Genensen and graduate student Eric Fomba will partner with freshman Sam Turchetta to round out the Cardinal's entries in the event. 
Fawcett, playing with Maciek Romanowicz reached the finals of the Pacific Coast Doubles Tournament two years ago. Genesen, playing with Jack Barber, reached the finals of the event last season.
Following this weekend's tournament, Stanford will return to dual action, facing Arizona State in Tempe, Arizona, on Thursday, March 8.