Karen Ambrose Hickey/Stanford Athletics
Women's Soccer

Extra Time: Alana Cook

Q: Why did you choose your number?
A: Having worn so many different numbers throughout my career, I never really had an affinity for any one number. Going into college, I decided to choose the same number that my sister has always worn — No. 15. We both spent our childhoods on the sidelines of each other's games, and she's always been my biggest supporter. She spent many Thursday and Friday nights of her senior year in college staying up late, watching our games in the library wearing her Stanford hat and socks. It was only fitting that I could compete while wearing her number.
Q: What is your hidden talent?
A: I can wiggle my ears.
Q: If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
A: My mom's stuffing, my sister's chili, and my dad's fruit crumble.

Q: Cats or Dogs?
A: Dogs, for sure.
Q: If you had to be stuck in a store during the apocalypse, what store would you choose?
A: Costco, mainly for that berry sundae.
Q: Teleport or read minds?
A: I'd prefer to be able to teleport – it would make visiting family in New Jersey a lot quicker!
Q: Ketchup or Mustard?
A: Honey mustard.
Q: Favorite thing about Stanford?
A: The people. From the students to the faculty and staff, we're surrounded by current and future Nobel prize winners, million-dollar app creators, Olympians and more. Stanford is a diverse community full of amazingly talented, intelligent people. Everyone has an incredible story to tell if you are willing to listen.

Q: What is your biggest superstition?
A: I have to stretch my game socks out to their longest possible length before every game.
There's a three part process for each sock: stretch them in front of me, stretch them over a shoulder, then stretch them by standing on the foot of the sock and pulling upward. It's partly superstition, but I also know that I'll be distracted all game if the top of my socks slip below my knees. Look good, feel good!
Q: Speak every language or play every instrument?
A: I would love to speak every language. Being able to communicate fluently with people all over the world would be incredible.
Q: What would you do if you won the lottery?
A: The first thing I would splurge on right now is a new phone case and screen protector. After that, to avoid spending all the money too quickly, I'd probably keep around 10% available for spending. I'd save and invest the remaining 90% of the money.