John P. Lozano/Stanford Athletic
Field Hockey

Second-Half Surge

STANFORD, Calif. - Kelsey Bing came up with six huge saves and Corinne Zanolli scored the game-winning goal to help propel No. 25 Stanford past Pacific 2-1 on Friday night for a sixth consecutive win.

Stanford (6-3, 0-0 America East) and Pacific (6-5, 0-0 America East) played a very tight first half. Both the Cardinal and the Tigers applied pressure, but four saves from the two goalkeepers kept the game even at 0-0 headed into the halftime break.

After the intermission, Stanford ramped up the offensive pressure until Nina Randolph broke through for her second goal of the season to give the Cardinal a 1-0 lead. The goal came off a penalty corner, with Zanolli and Fenella Scutt picking up assists. Scutt controlled the initial pass and set up a shot for Zanolli before Randolph's extended stick put the ball in the back of the net.

Only five minutes later, Zanolli broke through for her 12th goal of the season in style, putting back her own rebound after her first shot was saved. The sophomore from Newtown Square, Pa., now leads the Cardinal in goals (12), assists (5), points (29) and shots (41).

Pacific cut the lead to one with just under 10 minutes remaining off the Tigers' own penalty corner. Kriekie Van Wyk, Pacific's leading scorer, broke through to get the Tigers on the board, getting a double-assist from her teammates, but Stanford held off the charge in the final minutes to secure the Cardinal victory.

Stanford closes out its four-game homestand this Sunday at 12 p.m. against UC Davis on the Varsity Turf. The Aggies come to the Farm to kick off America East conference play for both teams in what is sure to be an exciting match.