Bob Drebin /

On Deck: Zach Grech

Q: If you had a completely free day without any responsibilities, what would you do?
A: Wake up, golf, drive to Half Moon Bay.

Q: What is your biggest superstition?
A: I'm actually superstitious about being superstitious. So I will actually make an effort not to always put my left sock on first or not to always listen to music before games. I like to change it up every game.

Q: If you could switch lives with one person on your team for a day, who would it be and why?
A: I'd switch with Will Matthiessen. I'd love to know what it's like to be tall. I was never very good at basketball, either so being able to dunk and not embarrass myself shooting around in the gym would be a nice change of pace.

Q: If you were a kitchen utensil or appliance, what would you be and why?
A: A toaster. Not really sure why but just came to me.

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Q: What are the best things about dogs?
A: The best thing about dogs is that they can make any day a good day. They're always happy to see you and have this innate ability to make you smile no matter what. Each one has its own personality too and it's awesome to see how different they are from each other. Seeing my dogs is always one of my favorite parts of getting to go home for breaks.

Q: Would you rather own your own boat or your own plane?
A: I've been a big fan of planes since I was little and having my own Boeing 777 would be awesome. I'd even settle for a 737.

Q: What is your most embarrassing moment?
A: I actually got boo'd at home by a bunch of little kids my freshman year because I got a foul ball in the bullpen and panicked and just threw it back towards the dugout instead of in the stands. So now it's always just toss it in the stands.

Q: What would your childhood self say to you if you told them you were a student-athlete at Stanford?
A: hahahahahahahaha.

Q: Is a hotdog a sandwich?
A: It fits all of the qualifications, so yes.

Q: You were given an elephant for a birthday present--you can't sell it or give it away. What would you do with it?
A: First of all, I wouldn't even want to give it away. I hate biking to classes and you know how cool I'd look riding an elephant to class? Not sure where I'd put it once I got to class, but I'm sure I could figure it out.