Jeff Bartee Photography
Women's Gymnastics

Chalk Talk With Kaylee Cole

Kaylee Cole is a senior from Flower Mound, Texas, and competes on vault, uneven bars and beam. A science, technology and society major, the steady Cole led off in vault and floor in every meet last season and has been a rock for the Cardinal. She recently qualified to compete for the Bolivian National Team.

Who inspires you and why?
When I'm in the gym, my teammates. We all work so hard towards a collective goal, so I look across the gym, see how hard they are working, and I am instantly motivated.

What is your best childhood memory?
For my grandpa's 80th birthday, my whole family went on a cruise to Greece.

Fun fact?
I can name all the presidents in under a minute.

What is your dream job?
Consulting! I would love the opportunity to travel and help companies.

Favorite mode of transportation around campus?
Walking. The campus is so beautiful, and I hate biking up hills.

Go-to order at a café or coffee house?
This is easy: iced latte, sugar-free vanilla and almond milk, or cappuccino with almond milk. Depends on the season.

What is the most interesting thing in your purse?
I have pink rhinestone pepper spray.

Which celebrity would you want to sit next to on a long flight and why?
John Mayer. I would make him sing the whole way.