Jeff Bartee Photography
Women's Gymnastics

Chalk Talk With Taylor Lawson

Taylor Lawson is a junior from Macungie, Pennsylvania, and competes on vault, uneven bars and beam. A human biology major, she wants to be an orthopedic surgeon and led off on bars last season in every meet.

Who inspires you and why?
It's not who inspires me; it's what inspires me. I gain motivation by looking to the future and envisioning where I could be. The only way to reach my vision is to work hard in the present, so one day my vision becomes my reality.

Favorite song lyrics OR song that best describes you and why?
Most likely "Diva" by Beyoncé, because I can be a perfectionist 101 percent of the time.

Fun fact?
I love baking! Also, being a real princess has always been a dream of mine from watching all the Disney princess movies. When I was younger, I used to dress up as a princess and have royal tea parties with my family.

Favorite Netflix (Hulu, HBOnow, etc. show or movie)
I LOVE all the Rush Hour movies and basically any comedy movie!

Go to order at a café or coffee house?
Either a white-hot chocolate or a white chocolate mocha.

Which celebrity would you want to sit next to on a long flight and why?
Ciara. She is a queen at singing and dancing and also a great role model to all women.

What is your dream job and what makes it so amazing?
To become a sports orthopedic surgeon. I wouldn't be the gymnast I am today without the care my orthopedic surgeons provided to me. It has been my passion to help athletes recover from injuries so they too can achieve their goals.

If you could add your name into the dictionary, what would it mean?
Taylor: most commonly used as "Tay" as an adjective to mean sweet, intelligent, sassy, athletic, funny and stylish.


Favorite mode of transportation around campus?
Walking. The campus is so beautiful, and I hate biking up hills.

Go-to order at a café or coffee house?
This is easy: iced latte, sugar-free vanilla and almond milk, or cappuccino with almond milk. Depends on the season.

What is the most interesting thing in your purse?
I have pink rhinestone pepper spray.

Which celebrity would you want to sit next to on a long flight and why?
John Mayer. I would make him sing the whole way.