Jeff Bartee Photography
Women's Gymnastics

Chalk Talk With Madison Brunette

STANFORD, Calif. – Madison Brunette is a sophomore from Seattle, Wash. and competes on vault, uneven bars and floor exercise. In high school, she won the Society of Women Engineers Pacific Northwest Section Award for achievement in science and mathematics. Hobbies include hiking, swimming and reading.

Everyone has an app idea. What's yours?
A battery sharing app similar to Venmo, where you and your friends can send a battery back and forth to each other's phones.

Fun fact?
I was on a swim team for 14 years.

Which Stanford student-athlete would you want to trade places with for a day?
Brody Malone, so I could be a Natty Champ!

Favorite mode of transportation around campus?
I typically bike but prefer walking. It's more enjoyable because you can talk with friends and soak up the sun as you head to class.

Favorite Netflix (Hulu, HBOnow, etc.) show or movie?
Friends! I have watched the entire series three times.

Go-to order at a café or coffee house?
Chai tea latte.

What is your dream job and what makes it so amazing?
To work as an orthopedic surgeon for a college or professional athletic team. In my time as an athlete, I have had amazing support and understanding from my doctors, and I feel my experiences can help the next generation of athletes have a similar positive experience.

If you were running for office, what would your campaign slogan be?
Brunettes do it better!