Men's Basketball

Fast Five: Sam Beskind

Leading up to the Cardinal's home opener against Montana on Nov. 6, get to know each member of the 2019-20 Stanford men's basketball team. Today's edition features Sam Beskind.

What is your favorite class at Stanford?Perspectives on the Good Life

What's one thing most people don't know about you?My favorite sport to watch on TV is tennis.

Who or what inspires you and why?My mom, because she was a walk on at the University of Washington for high jump and she still holds the record there and is in the hall of fame. She is also the kindest person I know.

You're stranded on a deserted island and can only listen to one album for eternity. Which album do you pick?"Scorpion" by Drake.

What's a fun fact about one of your teammates?Isaac White gets 5+ sample cups every time he gets froyo...