Title IX & The Clery ActTitle IX & The Clery Act

Title IX & The Clery Act

Title IX

No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. – Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972.

Stanford University is committed to providing its students, faculty, and staff with a safe and non-discriminatory educational and work environment. The Stanford SHARE Title IX Office offers resources and services to members of the Stanford community.

What are a University's obligations when it has notice of a potential Title IX related incident?

If the University knows or in the exercise of reasonable care should know about student-on-student sexual harassment, including sexual violence, that creates a hostile environment, Title IX law requires the University to take immediate and appropriate steps to investigate or otherwise determine what occurred (subject to confidentiality limitations). If an investigation reveals that sexual harassment, including sexual violence, created a hostile environment, the University must then take prompt and effective steps reasonably calculated to end the sexual harassment or sexual violence, prevent its recurrence and, as appropriate, remedy its effects on the victim and University community.

What are a MY obligations when I am informed of a potential Title IX related incident?

If you have knowledge of concerns relating to possible prohibited conduct, you must report any such allegations of prohibited conduct involving students to the Title IX Coordinator, and should report to DAPER Administration as well. If the student needs emergency assistance call: 911 or 9-911 from a campus phone.

To report notify the SHARE Title IX Office promptly, by sending an email with as much of the following information as was reported to you to titleix@stanford.edu, and cc DAPER Administrator Jacquelyn Kulgevich (jduysen@stanford.edu).

• Name of the person who may have experienced Prohibited Sexual Conduct (Reporting Party)
• Name of the Responding Party (accused party), if known
• Date and Time of the Incident
• Date the information was shared with you
• Name of the person to whom the report was made
• Location of the incident (be as specific as possible: e.g., "Responding Party's room in Stern Hall" or "off-campus in downtown Palo Alto")
• Nature of the conduct (be as specific as possible regarding the allegations: e.g., Complainant awoke to Responding Party touching her breasts without permission.)

What are the Student Options?

Stanford students are encouraged to visit equity.stanford.edu/sexual-violence-support for the most updated information on how to report and navigate campus resources.

Students who have decided that they want to submit a formal report and all faculty and employees who are Responsible Employees reporting incidents of sexual violence and harassment can contact Patrick Dunkley, Title IX Coordinator.

What are the Student and Staff Options to Report Concerns about Gender Equity within Stanford Athletics?

Stanford is committed to providing equitable athletic opportunities for our sports programs in accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.

If you wish to share any comments or concerns regarding gender equity issues within Stanford Athletics, we encourage you to visit our feedback portal, available here, operated by the Title IX Office. The portal has the option for individuals to make anonymous submissions. We encourage individuals to fill it out as completely and accurately as possible if you wish to share any comments or concerns around the following:

  • Participation
  • Scholarships
  • Equipment and supplies
  • Scheduling of practices or competitions
  • Medical, athletics training, and strength and conditioning facilities and support
  • Academic support, including access to tutors
  • Coaching
  • Practice, competitive, and locker room facilities
  • Publicity
  • Recruiting
  • Travel, hotels, and meals on the road
  • Housing and athletics-related food on campus
  • Other support, including sport supervisors/administrators

Please note that the feedback form is NOT intended to be used to report allegations of sexual misconduct. If you do have concerns about sexual misconduct, please reference the resources cited in the sections above.

Confidential Campus Resources

Stanford University Confidential Support Team: (650) 725-9955 or (650) 736-6933
YWCA Rape Crisis Hotline: (650) 493-7273 or (408) 287-3000
• Stanford Athletics Sport Psychology: (650) 725-8202
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS): (650) 723-3785
Faculty Staff Help Center (faculty and staff only): (650) 723-4577
Office for Religious Life: (650) 723-1762
University Ombuds: (650) 723-3682
School of Medicine Ombuds: (650) 498-5744  


• Stanford SHARE Title IX Office
• Title IX: FAQs
• Report My Assault to Stanford
• Title IX Process & Related Policies
• Stanford Resources Brochure
• Sexual Violence Support & Resources
• Prohibited Sexual Conduct
• 1.7.1 Sexual Harassment
• 1.7.2 Consensual Sexual or Romantic Relationships In the Workplace & Educational Setting

Title IX Office Contact

Patrick Dunkley, Title IX Coordinator
Kingscote Gardens (2nd Floor)
419 Lagunita Drive
Stanford, CA 94305-8231
Phone: 650-497-4955
Campus Map

Clery Act

In support of the University's mission to provide a safe environment for our community, the following information has been prepared to increase your awareness of the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, also known as the Clery Act.

Who was Jeanne Clery?

In 1986 Jeanne Clery, a freshman at Pennsylvania's Lehigh University, was raped and murdered in her campus residence hall room by another student. Jeanne's parents lobbied to have a law passed that would require all institutions of higher learning that receive federal funding to publish the institution's crime statistics, identify resources for those impacted by sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking, as well as policies and procedures related to timely warnings and emergency notifications.

What is the Clery Act?

The Clery Act was passed in 1990 and aims to provide transparency around campus crimes policy and statistics. In 1998, Congress formally named the law in memory of Jeanne Clery.

The Clery Act requires institutions of higher education to produce an annual report containing crime statistics, fire incident statistics, and safety policies. The Clery Act requires institutions to report statistics related to certain crimes, such as criminal homicides, sex offenses, robberies, and aggravated assaults or other forms of criminal activity occurring within and immediately surrounding the geographical boundaries of the campus and any related buildings owned or operated by the University. This information is published annually, by October 1, in Stanford University's Safety, Security, and Fire Report.

Campus Security Authority (CSA)

Under the Clery Act, all institutional officials with significant responsibility for campus and student activities are referred to as Campus Security Authorities (CSA), and have certain reporting obligations under federal and state laws.

All Coaches, Red Coat staff members, Faculty who serve as advisors to student groups, and staff involved in student affairs are all considered CSAs and have a duty to report to law enforcement, the Clery Coordinator and to DAPER Administration. Only professional mental health and pastoral counselors are exempt from reporting when acting in these roles.

What are my CSA Responsibilities

Any CSA who becomes aware of a Clery-reportable crime that occurred on the Stanford campus or property owned or controlled by the University (including off-site facilities and short-term "control" such as the rental of a room during a university sponsored trip) must report the incident to the University's Clery Compliance Coordinator. Even crimes or incidents that take place at away competitions should be reported.

CALL 9-1-1 IMMEDIATELY if you are concerned for the safety of any of the involved parties or other members of the community.

CSAs must report violent crimes, sexual assaults, and hate crimes to law enforcement immediately or as soon as practicably possible. A victim must be advised that the information will not remain confidential, but that they have the opportunity to remain anonymous prior to notifying law enforcement.

To report to the Clery Compliance Coordinator submit the Incident Report Form to secure-clerycsa@lists.stanford.edu and cc DAPER Administration. The Incident Form is intended as a guide to assist CSAs in gathering information in compliance with the Clery Act and California Education Code.

Reportable Crimes

The CSA must also contact the Title IX Office if the incident being reported is a sexual assault or any incident that involved Prohibited Sexual Conduct Call 650-497-4955 to reach the Title IX Office.

The following Clery Crimes and attempts MUST be reported immediately to law enforcement, Clery Coordinator and DAPER Administration

• Homicide
• Manslaughter
• Sexual Assault (Rape, oral copulation, penetration w/foreign object, sodomy)
• Statutory Rape
• Incest
• Fondling
• Robbery
• Aggravated Assault
• Hate Crimes
• Dating Violence
• Domestic Violence

All other Clery Act Crimes and attempts MUST be reported to Clery Coordinator and DAPER Administration:

• Stalking
• Burglary
• Motor Vehicle Theft
• Arson
• Alcohol Law Violations
• Drug Law Violations
• Weapon Law Violations


• Incident Report Form
• Safety, security and fire report
• Hate violence report


Clery Compliance Coordinator
Lucia Wade

CSA reporting line 650-222-5147

Department of Public Safety
233 Bonair Siding, Stanford, CA 94305

Stanford University must report crime statistics from all jurisdictions in which Stanford maintains property for educational purposes, whether it is owned, rented, or leased.