Path To The Draft: Casey ToohillPath To The Draft: Casey Toohill
Jim Shorin/Stanford Athletics

Path To The Draft: Casey Toohill

As those in California, the United States and around the World continue to be impacted by COVID-19, the NFL Draft is still planned for April 23-25, although the fan events will no longer take place in Las Vegas. caught up with outside linebacker Casey Toohill as he prepares for the Draft and is hoping to hear his name called next month.

How do you feel Stanford prepared you for the NFL Draft and the Draft process?
Casey Toohill: Stanford prepared me in every facet. In terms of the physical testing, I had done the same tests (40, vertical jump, shuttles) that I did every spring in my 5 years at Stanford. Mentally Stanford improved my entire knowledge of the game of football and my coaches at Stanford prepared me to talk defensive scheme with NFL coaches. 

What has your Draft process been like in the last week-plus while dealing with having to stay at home, etc.?
CT: Hectic. Trying to figure out the best place to be and train. There  have been limited options with everything closing, but I've been able to settle into a routine back home and take everything day by day. 

Where did you train this offseason and what was that process like getting prepared for the NFL Combine?
CT: I trained at California Strength. It was a gym highly recommended to me by former Stanford OLBs Peter Kalambayi and Joey Alfieri. I loved the training but I really loved the group of guys that I trained with. I was able to continue training with Colby Parkinson and Cam Scarlett, which was a blessing. The process was extremely detail-oriented. Everything from hours of sleep, meals, and exercise technique mattered immensely. We were practicing the smallest details to improve hundreds and tenths of seconds, inches, or reps. 

What was your experience like at the NFL Combine? Anything that you didn't expect or that caught you off guard?
CT: I actually loved my experience. I heard a lot of horror stories coming in but everything was pretty much better than I expected. I was in a linebacker group with two of the guys I trained with from California Strength so that made everything more comfortable and relaxed. I expected the day of testing to be louder or have more fanfare. You could hear a pin drop on the field and it just felt odd at first. 

After the Combine you began preparing for Pro Day, which had to be postponed. What was that training like and what was it like after the NFL announced the cancellation of Pro Days?
CT: I was looking forward to Pro Day and was most excited to see guys like Richard McNitzky and Cam Scarlett ball out. When I learned that Pro Day was canceled, I was disappointed that those guys would not get the proper stage to demonstrate their abilities. Ultimately, the decision to cancel Pro Day was the right call by the NFL and Stanford. For me the cancellation of our Pro Day was a minuscule problem compared to everyone who has suffered due to Coronavirus.

What are you hoping to accomplish in the next month leading up to the Draft?
CT: I really am only focused on what I can do each day to become a better football player than I was the day before. I am specifically looking to improve some pass rush techniques and gain some weight.
Where do you plan to watch the Draft and with whom?
CT: I plan to watch the Draft at home in San Diego with my family and girlfriend.
What are your lasting memories of Stanford and what will you miss most about it?
CT: Stanford gave me every opportunity to push myself and grow over my five years. I am not that far removed but it's been unusual to move on from a place that was so central to my identity. I will most certainly miss the relationships I formed with teammates, friends and others in the Stanford community. It was such a blessing to be an environment where everyone is committed to holistic excellence and no one wants you to just be an athlete.