Get to Know Meghan McClureGet to Know Meghan McClure
Stanford Athletics
Women's Volleyball

Get to Know Meghan McClure

What's your favorite way to spend a day off?I love spending time with my family and friends on days off and doing something active like going for a hike or to the beach! I love ending my off days by getting cozy in my bed and reading or watching some TV!

What surprised you the most about being a student-athlete at Stanford?I never expected to love all of my teammates like sisters. They're my second family and I can't imagine going through the past three years, and especially this upcoming year, without them.

Do you have any pet peeves?I don't really have any strong pet peeves, but I'm someone who likes to be early, so lateness can be frustrating to me!

If you weren't playing volleyball at Stanford, what sport would you want to play?I would definitely be playing softball! I played softball from the age of 5 to 17 and really loved playing that sport for so long. I played third base throughout high school and loved getting to defend in a quick-paced sport. I definitely think softball helped me develop as a volleyball player!

Do you have any prematch rituals? If so, what are they?I always have Mackenzie, one of my teammates, braid my hair before matches. I also always put a ribbon (preferably one that matches the color of our jersey) in my hair!

Outside of volleyball, what's something you're passionate about and why?I am really passionate about education, especially in urban and impoverished areas. I am minoring in education and have gotten to learn a lot about the inequities in education and how much action needs to be taken in order for all children in America, and across the world, to be well-educated and prepared for college or the professional world after high school. I also love working with children, especially children with disabilities, much due to my sister Mandy who has Down syndrome. I have always been surrounded by people with disabilities and have gotten to see their incredible strength, intelligence, and kindness. With these two passions, I want to teach Special Education and work to make education more equitable for all children, especially those with disabilities, as there is a high need for Special Ed teachers.

Why did you choose to attend Stanford?Stanford has been my dream school since I was a child and my parents told me Stanford was the 'Harvard of the West' with really good sports. As I learned more about Stanford, its academics, and its historic volleyball program, I knew it was the place for me. I never wanted to leave campus when I visited and connected with the coaches and players so well. I knew I would fit in so well with the team and wanted to be a part of its culture of excellence, and so I worked every day from when I was about 12 years old on to be able to attend my dream school. Even with all of these high hopes, Stanford has exceeded my expectations in every way - from the volleyball to the academics to the people. Stanford has given me more than I could have ever hoped for and I am so excited for this final year!