Pregame Playlist: Nicolas KueblerPregame Playlist: Nicolas Kuebler
Men's Gymnastics

Pregame Playlist: Nicolas Kuebler

Every athlete has a go-to playlist that they listen to before they take the field, step on the court, or dive into the pool. In Pregame Playlist we bring Stanford student-athlete's playlists to you! Hear from men's gymnastics sophomore Nicolas Kuebler on his favorite songs and what puts him in the right mindset before a meet. What're your favorite songs on your playlist these days?
Nicolas Kuebler: "My favorite songs change every week, but currently my favorite songs are Some Minds, All of Me and The Hills - RL Grime Remix. I really like Some Minds because the build up takes quite a while, but it is really enjoyable to listen to and gets me extremely motivated, especially for my strength on rings. All of Me is great because it combines Rap and EDM really well, which are my two favorite genres of music to listen to for gymnastics. The Hills - RL Grime Remix is very high tempo and gets me amped for working out!"

GS: "Which song gets you the MOST hyped before a meet?"
NK: "'Some Minds is my go to right now!"

GS: "Do you have any unique stories or connections to songs from this playlist?"
NK: "Týden Koncí is a very upbeat Czech song. We play it every Friday as or first song of the practice. When 'Týden koncí' is translated to English, it means: 'The week is ending!'"

GS: "How does this playlist play a role in your meet day routine?"
NK: "This playlists gets me excited, motivated, energized and focused on the routines I have ahead of me."

Check out Nicolas' full playlist below.