Women's Basketball

Card Essentials: Haley Jones

Welcome back to Card Essentials, where Stanford student-athletes share the stories behind the items they carry with them every day, big or small. Haley Jones is an All-American, an NCAA Champ, and the Cardinal's leader as they look to chase another NCAA title this month. We caught up with Haley ahead of the Pac-12 Tournament in Las Vegas this week to see the everyday essentials she can't live without. "Out of everything here, what's the one thing you can't live without?"
Haley Jones: "I feel like I should probably say my phone. You know, directions around campus, team communication, talking to my mom, all that kind of stuff. I wouldn't say I'm addicted to my phone, though. I'm a big 'Do Not Disturb' girl, so only I have certain people who I let get through each day, but using that helps me stay focused all day."
GS: Tell us about your journal. Is that something you do often?
HJ: "This is a fresh one, actually! What I used to do is go through and write a prompt for myself on every page for me to write about. But I found this new journal that has different chapters and each page has a new prompt already in there. so I love it! I try to journal at least weekly, but pushing for daily right now."

GS: Love the stickers on the laptop!
HJ: "So this is my school laptop, and the stickers I got from the Night Market in South San Francisco when we went as a team. I have some Avatar stickers, Pokemon, Star Wars, and my favorite Disney movie, Hercules. I feel like it's underrated, I love it! So I had to get Hades from that movie, naturally. Then I have some Marvel ones, too."

GS: We feel like everyone has some cool headphones these days. How important is music to you in general?
HJ: "I have music playing all the time, probably because I grew up in a house where music was just on constantly. For me, different songs and genres represent different moods and different experiences I've had. If I'm listening to Stevie Wonder, I think about driving with my dad to basketball and soccer tournaments as a kid. If I'm listening to Aretha Franklin, I'm cooking in the kitchen. If I've got some Beyonce playing, I'm getting ready for something awesome. One thing I started doing for senior year was building out a gameday playlist throughout the season, where I pick a different song for each game that represents my mood or mindset going in to that game. It's so funny because one day it could be Jay-Z, one day it could be Justin Timberlake, or even one time it was that song from the Goofy Movie! Music is an escape, but it also allows me to re-live experiences. I like going back and revisiting this gameday playlist a lot to think back on each game."
GS: Loving the pattern on your edge brush!
HJ: "This is my favorite brush ever. It IS an essential. I feel like my hair has become a part of who I am, and to be recognized by my hair is very special to me, so I have to make sure it's looking A1. When I have my hair done, I'm ready to take on the world. I have a different energy about me when I have my edges done - they're a persona for me."

GS: Are there any items here that hold a special meaning for you?
HJ: "Yes, actually. I got this wallet on a family trip in Italy and it's the first, like, 'nice' thing I've ever gotten myself. My mom told me she got herself one like this on my parents' first trip to Italy and that she still uses it to this day, so I said, 'I want to do something like that too.' So it's special to me in that way, but I keep important things in there, too. I have a Disney ticket, which I kept specifically because it has Star Wars on it and I love Star Wars. But outside of that, I keep photos and other personal things in here as well."

Follow Haley on Twitter and Instagram.