Women's Volleyball

Cardinal Abroad

STANFORD, Calif. - Stanford is headed overseas for a 12-day foreign tour that will feature competitions against national teams with stops in Turkey, Czech Republic, Slovenia and Croatia.

Departing the States on June 16, the Cardinal will arrive in Turkey on June 17. The team will play three matches while in Istanbul, the hometown of incoming freshman Ipar Kurt. Kurt will join the group in Istanbul along with classmates Julia Blyashov, Jordyn Harvey and Koko Kirsch.

Stanford's senior will remain on campus for graduation on June 19 before meeting the squad overseas. Outgoing seniors Natalie Berty, Emily Teehan and Selina Xu will also join the team on the tour.

The Cardinal will fly to Prague on June 21 and play two more matches before bussing to Maribor, Slovenia on June 24, where it will play its final two matches. The team will head to Zagreb, Croatia on June 27 for its final leg of the tour.

The group will arrive back in the United States on June 28. The trip represents the Cardinal's first international journey since visiting Slovenia, Croatia and Italy in 2018.

Follow the team's trip on the Cardinal's social media platforms (@StanfordWVB) for daily updates.