Athletics News


'The Stanford University Athletic department is excited to support this community outreach effort...' Athletic Director Ted Leland said.
'The Stanford University Athletic department is excited to support this community outreach effort...' Athletic Director Ted Leland said.

Stanford Athletic Department Re-Launches Community Outreach Program, Stanford Athletes And Kids United (SAKU)

All student-athletes are invited to attend informational meeting November 11th at 6:30 p.m.

Nov. 8, 2001

The Stanford University Athletic Department is re-launching a community outreach program called Stanford Athletes and Kids United (SAKU) which will combine tutoring, mentoring and athletic skills training. SAKU translates in Japanese to mean 'to blossom or bloom.' Student-athletes will manage SAKU, which is a grassroots program to develop friendship, empower and improve the self-esteem of at-risk youths.

"The Stanford University Athletic department is excited to support this community outreach effort," Athletic Director Ted Leland said. "Student-athletes seek to excel in both academic and athletics. The idea that student-athletes will share their experiences and help youths through the SAKU program is a winning concept that the Athletic Department is happy to support."

In 1969, the Stanford University athletic department organized and sponsored a successful community outreach program where sixty Stanford student-athletes volunteered to be mentors to local school-aged youths in the Bay Area. Through the next several years, this Stanford youth program dramatically improved the self-esteem of many of the participating youths. Equally as important, this youth program also helped to broaden and enrich the lives of many of the Stanford student-athletes. By 1977, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) agreed to sponsor a nationwide program named Volunteers for Youth. Unfortunately, with the national staff and focus, the student-based program at Stanford dwindled and eventually ended. SAKU hopes to re-ignite this Stanford tradition.

A group of student-athletes are inviting all student-athletes to an informational meeting on Sunday, November 11, 2001 at Kissick Auditorium in the Arrillaga Family Sports Center from 6:30-7:30pm.

For further information, please contact Debi Gore-Mann at (650) 723-4103.